tagar ayurvedic medicine

One of the most effective treatments for soothing and reducing stress and anxiety in the mind is the root of Tagar. Also, it is known to regulate body temperature and stimulate the liver and heart for normal operation. As it is swiftly absorbed, Tagar (Valeriana wallichii) enters even the smallest capillaries in our biological system.

 We have jotted down all there is to know about Tagar Ayurvedic medicine including its origin, benefits, and much more!

About Tagar: The Herb

The hairy perennial herb Tagar has a long history of usage in traditional remedies. It is mentioned frequently in the majority of Ayurveda texts. Tagar is a member of the Valerianeaceae group and has the botanical name Valeriana wallichii.

It has several common names, including  Vakr (irregular shape), Nahush, Tagarmula, Mushakbala, and Indian valerian in English. The Tagar is a perennial herb that reaches up to 40–45 cm tall and is leafy and somewhat hairy. It thrives in the temperate Himalayan regions spanning Bhutan to Kashmir.

Tagara Benefits And Uses 

The heart, stomach, liver, and spleen are just a few of the organs that Tagara has a positive impact on. Let's go into more detail about its medical applications and health advantages:

High Blood Pressure

In an animal investigation, the research described its hypotensive effects and antispasmodic properties. Also, according to Ayurveda, it decreases blood pressure and calms spasms. When taken in high doses, Tagara has strong antihypertensive effects. Yet, it is unlikely to be secure. Instead, it is a supporting medication included in some antihypertensive formulations.

Insomnia (Sleep Disturbances)

 It is used to enhance sleep quality and lessen sleep disruptions in dosages of 250 mg or 500 mg of its aqueous extract. The finest alternative medicine for treating insomnia is this one. To achieve greater results, use 500 mg each of ashwagandha powder and jatamansi powder.

Tagar can help you get a good night's sleep. An exacerbated Vata dosha, according to Ayurveda, renders the nervous system hypersensitive and causes Anidra (Insomnia). Given its capacity to balance the Tridosha, particularly Vata, Tagar relaxes the nerves and aids in the management of sleep disorders.


The ability of Tagara extract to raise dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the forebrain has been linked to antidepressant effects. It is not used to treat depression in Ayurveda. Despite the fact that treating depression with a low dose of it might be effective. But, its high dosage is not advised.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Tagara's hot infusion eases the discomfort associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Also, the damaged joints are covered in its paste, which reduces joint discomfort and inflammation.

Neuroprotective Potential

Its rhizome extract had demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits on the brain. It increased the brain's antioxidant capacity and decreased its oxidative capacity.

In general, it has neuroprotective effects. Nonetheless, more research is necessary to fully assess its operations. According to the findings of the current study, it may lessen oxidative and inflammatory brain damage and be beneficial in cases of neurodegeneration, such as Parkinson's disease.


Chronic anxiety illness known as hypochondriasis occurs when a patient imagines having a disease or imaginary symptoms. In ayurveda, Tagara powder and Yashad Bhasma are suggested treatments for this illness.

To Sum Up

Tagar is a highly effective herb that encourages sound sleep, calms stress, and lowers anxiety. With the help of contemporary research, Tagar, a herb that has long been utilized in traditional ayurveda medicine, is now widely used to treat sleep disturbances. We sincerely hope that this guide has helped you comprehend the several advantages of Tagar ayurvedic medicine beyond sleep advantages.

Tagar ayurvedic medicineTagara sleep wellness

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