Stress and Anxiety

Stress is the strain that is placed on the brain by several factors in life, including the amount of work you do at work, family issues, health issues, and financial concerns. You might feel agitated in these situations, and your body might release different stress hormones in reaction. It has an impact on our mental, emotional, and physical health. You are seriously endangering your health if you lead a stressful lifestyle. Finding the cause of your stress in your life is the first step towards solving this issue. Your nervous system automatically responds to stress by sending messages to different hormones linked to stress. Numerous natural therapies exist that aid in relieving your body of stress.


  • Life stress: Changes in the environment, the loss of close ones, sleep disorders, changing job schedules, and health-related stressors like pregnancy, disease, or accident.

  • Work-life stress: Workplace relationships, workplace culture, and job demands

  • Other stress: Uncertainty, insecurity, cognitive dissonance, social or physical threat, and financial difficulties.

Some effective home remedies for Stress & Anxiety


Holy basil contains a variety of phytochemicals, including linalool, rosmarinic acid, ursolic acid, and germacrene. Each of these substances works to strengthen your body's defense against illness and to relieve stress, worry, and sadness.

Medicinal properties:

Sensitive, with a bitter flavor, lightness, dryness, and a strong, hot potency. After digestion, it has a strong taste transformation.

How to consume?

  • In water, add three to four holy basil leaves. Boil for ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Strain and sip this Holy Basil tea after letting it cool for ten minutes.

One tablespoon of honey can also be added to it. You can immediately chew four to five Tulsi leaves every day in place of tea; this will also assist in lowering your stress level.


Ashwagandha's chemical composition enhances the body's synthesis of acetylcholine, the primary transmitter of neurological signals that reduces stress and anxiety and enhances cognitive function.

Medicinal properties:

The herb has strong aroma, a bitter flavor, oiliness, lightness, and a strong heat. Ashwagandha is commonly used to treat anxiety, sadness, and chronic fatigue syndrome, according to Ayurveda medicine.

How to consume?

  • Include ashwagandha powder in your regular regimen or take it as is. Additionally, you can nibble on fresh plant roots.
  • Make it a regular practice for a few months until you start to feel less stressed.


This herb has many advantages, including strengthening memory, improving focus, and promoting emotional balance, opening and clearing the mind, and increasing mental capacity. Additionally, Brahmi contains antioxidant qualities that prevent your body from being harmed by free radicals.

Medicinal properties:

Chilly in potency, bitter and astringent in flavor, easy to digest, and transforms into a sweet taste after digestion. Brahmi's therapeutic qualities contribute to the balancing of the Kapha and Vata doshas. It calms your nerves after a stressful or demanding day.

How to consume?

Include two to three grams of Brahmi powder in your diet each day. Another option is Brahmi juice.


One well-known Ayurveda herb that is used to promote memory, intelligence, and brain capacity. Carbohydrates including glucose, maltose, sucrose, and rhamnose are present in this herb. In addition to all of these, glacial acetic acid, B-sitosterol, and kaempferol are also abundant in it.

Medicinal properties:

Tastes bitter, has cooling qualities,

It is used to support a healthy brain, aid in mental relaxation, and treat headaches brought on by stress.


Yoga: When things become too much to handle, straighten up in your chair, put your feet on the ground, and take a big breath through your nose. Sit upright once more and practice core breathing as your second option. As you inhale and extend your arm straight in front of you, maintain an erect spine. After letting out a breath, lower your arms back down. Repeat 5–8 times. Before going to bed, practice some yoga stretches to help you de-stress. You can relieve stress in your shoulders and back by rolling your neck and shoulders.

Meditation: The basic method of meditation is to choose a comfortable position to sit or lie down, close your eyes, and breathe naturally without trying to control it. It's a method of mind training, akin to how exercise develops the body.


You might be tempted to drink a glass of beer to help you relax after a hectic day. However, regular and excessive alcohol use actually makes you feel more stressed and anxious. Similarly, consuming large amounts of caffeine can cause insomnia and raise cortisol levels in the body. Adenosine is inhibited by caffeine, which temporarily soothes the body but may later create sleep issues.


Celery: Phalides is a phytonutrient found in celery. This provides a calming effect. This offers the ideal diversion from stress and promotes living in harmony.

Lettuce: Lacturcarium is found in lettuce. This has a sedative effect of its own. It has a calming effect on the body. This veggie helps release the body's numerous tensions and stresses by decreasing starch. Eat lettuce every day, and you'll live a happy life.


Oats have a calming effect on the body that is also effective. It combats hypertension and relaxes the body. This decreases people's elevated blood pressure. Additionally, this aids in lowering elevated cholesterol. As a result, oats are crucial for providing complete stress relief.


"Folk remedy" is another name for it. It works well for anxiety and depression treatments. Gamma-aminobutyric acid levels rise as a result of it. This vitamin aids in lowering brain activity, leaving the person completely calm and stress-free.

10. TEAS

Chamomile: It relieves stress, has calming properties, and eases irritability and anxiety. This tea has no caffeine and is a highly powerful herbal stress reliever.

Peppermint: To completely release tension, sip a cup of peppermint tea. It has a relaxing and comforting effect on the body. It relieves tension and allows the patient to sleep soundly. Regularly consume at least one cup of peppermint tea.


Swapping out apples and bananas for grapefruits can help reduce stress. It has a lot of vitamin C, which calms the mind and totally eliminates tension.


Sandalwood: Aromatherapy is just one more powerful at-home treatment for stress. The benefits of a massage include the release of physical tension and stress, which leads to a happy and stress-free existence. Severe headaches, backaches, and other acute pains can be brought on by stress. A good, deep tissue massage also aids in the pain alleviation process.



  1. Add three to four pinches of nutmeg powder to 100 millilitres of fresh pomegranate juice. Regularly consume it on an empty stomach. Here, nutmeg powder is the major ingredient while pomegranate is merely an administration vehicle. Due to its effects on the drying properties of vata and the sluggish properties of kapha, nutmeg is well known.
  2. Nutmeg powder and hot milk can also be consumed together. One hundred millilitres of milk and two to three pinches of nutmeg powder are required.
  3. Add two to three pinches of nutmeg powder to a half teaspoon of honey. Eat it once a day, and you'll notice a reduction in the frequency of tension and worry.


You can include healthy eating practices into your daily routine by avoiding fast food, highly processed foods, and other beverages. Incorporating fresh meals and leafy green vegetables into your diet can help you maintain a fit and healthy body. Your brain will naturally get healthier if your body is in good health.

Starting with getting a good night's sleep is recommended because it improves the body's cortisol balance. A patient should regularly practice yoga, work out, or meditate. Instead of choosing to work for negative or competing firms, one could surround themselves with positive people and positive projects.

Use the aforementioned do-at-home solutions to live a joyful life!