Amaltas also known as Purging Cassia (cassia Fistula)

Amaltas tree is a golden shower medium-sized tree. Its growth is fastest up to 10-20 meters high. Amaltas Leaves are deciduous, long, and pinnate. Each leaflet is between three and eight cm long and five to nine cm wide, forming a cluster that consists of three to eight leaflets. This tree produces pendulous racemes with long flowers with five yellow equal-sized petals. Amaltas Fruit is a legume with a pungent smell serving several seeds inside. Amaltas Wood is extremely robust and solid.

General Information

The botanical name of Amaltas, Cassia fistula, directly translates to "to kill diseases." It is also known as "Aragvadha" in Sanskrit. It's a member of the Fabaceae family. One of the most well-liked herbal plants with a reputation for medical value is Aravadha. It has very strong detoxifying benefits for the body, both internally and topically when applied to the skin. Different phytochemicals are present in every region of the Amaltas plant.

  • Leaves – tannins, rhein, glucoside and sennosides.
  • Stem bark – fistucacidin, tannins, rhein, and barbaloin.
  • Seeds – galactomannan, sterculic, and vermolic
  • Pulp – carbohydrates, proteins, leucin, tryptophan, and glutamic acid.

Special Note 

The official flower of Kerala state in India is this golden flowering tree. Flowers are revered at the Vishnu festival. This tree's image is painted on 20 rupee bills in India. The Amaltas yellow flower, which is also Thailand's national flower, symbolizes the Thai royal family.


Amlatas is a species that is easily found in the South East Asia and adjacent regions of the Indian subcontinent. Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and other countries also have it. In Tamil Nadu and Kerala, India, it is conveniently accessible. It is a well-known ornamental and therapeutic plant that has been used for centuries according to Ayurveda.


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Family - Fabaceae
  • Order - Fabales

Alternative Names

  • English name – Purging cassia
  • Hindi name – Amaltas
  • Sanskrit name – Aragvadha, Chaturangula, Rajvraksha, Shampaka, Suvarnaka, etc.
  • Bengali name – Sondal
  • Marathi Name –Bahva
  • Punjabi name - Girdanali
  • Arabic name – Kattan
  • Gujarati name - Garmalo
  • Telugu name – Rela
  • Tamil Name - Kondrem
  • Farsi name – Khiyar

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Quality)

Snigdha, Mridu, Guru 

Unctuous, Soft, Heavy

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects On Dosha

It balances Kapha and Pitta dosha.

Ayurvedic Classification

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita


Ashtanga hriday

Virechana – employed for mild purgation.

Aragvadadi Gana, Samyadi Gana, Adhobhagahara.

Hirdya, Kusthghna


Kusthaghan - Used in Kusth Roga.



Kandhughan - used to treat a variety of skin-related issues



Special Activity

The unique property of cassia fistula is that it regulates the three bodily energies—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. A healthy human body is built on these three body energies, which also serve as the cornerstone of all Ayurvedic treatment regimens. Its unique result (prabhava) is a mild purgative state.

Practical Uses

  • Keeping the bowels clean is the first step in maintaining a healthy body, according to Ayurveda. The digestive system may be kept in good working order and the body can remain disease-free for a very long time when the stomach is clear.
  • It is important to take precautions to ensure that the dosage does not exceed the recommended amount as this could result in diarrhea and be quite uncomfortable.
  • It is a fantastic herbal treatment for constipation brought on by an imbalance of Pitta.
  • Amaltas also aids in the vitiation of the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha bodily energies.
  • Its use can control digestive issues such as flatulence, belching, appetite loss, sense of fullness, etc.
  • Heartburn and other cardiac issues can benefit from it as well.
  • The herb is used to treat severe stomach pain and bloating.
  • Undigested food particles are often referred to as "ama" because they ferment in the body and create free radicals that harm cells. Eczema, candidiasis, and other similar skin issues are treated using herbal oil made from Amaltas.
  • Any ailment of the liver or gall bladder can be treated with aragvadha. It can be used successfully to manage abdominal distension and related digestive issues even in ascites.
  • All doshas and dhatus are kept in balance by Aragvadha's neutralizing effect on the body's energies. The herb treats issues with anemia, gout, erysipelas, and other blood ailments.
  • It works best for bleeding disorders and has antipyretic properties.


  • Fruit pulp - 5-10gm
  • For purgation – 10-20gm
  • Flowers – 5-10gm
  • Root bark decoction – 50-100ml

Part Used

  • Leaf
  • Root
  • Fruit pulp
  • Bark
  • Flower


  • In cases of diarrhea and dysentery, it is not advised.
  • Large doses may cause heavy purgation.

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