Apamarg (Achyranthes Aspera)

Small, erect, annual perennial herbs, Achyranthes aspera grows to a height of about 2 mt. Simple, angular, and ribbed stems have a purple tint. Oval leaves with delicate attachments on both sides of the stem. Apamarg's seeds, which are reddish brown and subcylindric at the apex and rounded at the base, have greenish-white flowers.

This herbaceous plant known as Achyranthes aspera has received significant attention in Ayurvedic writings. Even cult Ayurvedic scriptures like the Charaka Samhita have a chapter devoted to this plant called "Apamarg Tanduliya" that details the various ways it can be utilized to treat the human body.

The plant known as Apamarg is notable for its spores, which stick to clothing and are challenging to remove due to their pointed spicules. These spores, which grow to cover the entire plant stalk from the outside and serve as a shield of protection for it, are actually the fruit component of the plant. It is regarded as a very powerful plant for both internal and external body detoxification.

General Information

There are two types of Apamarg available:-

  1. White Apamarg (shweta) - Achyranthes aspera
  2. Red Apamarg (rakta) - Puppalia lappaceae

The best usage for Apamarg is to create special threads (kasharasutra). Fistula and abscess are treated with these threads.


It is a tropical weed that grows all throughout the tropics. Africa, Asia, Australia, and America all have tropical climates where Apamarg can flourish. One of the 21 leaves used in the Ganesh puja at Ganesh Chaturthi is famous in India. This herb can be easily identified while strolling through Indian fields since you might feel little fruits with stings on your legs and clothing.


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Order - Caryophyllales
  • Family – Amaranthaceae


  • English Name – Prickly Chaff flower
  • Hindi Name – Chirchita, Chingchingi, Chirchira, Latjira, Onga
  • Sanskrit Name – Markati, Markat, Kapi pippali, Adhah Shalya, Khara manjari, kubja, Parak pushpin, Pratyaka shreni, Mayuraka, Kinihi, Shikhari, vasheera, Durabhi graha, Duragraha
  • Kannada Name – Uttrani, Uttarani
  • Telugu Name- Antisha, Apamargamu, Uttaraene
  • Malayalam Name- Katalati, Kadaladi
  • Bengali Name- Apang
  • Punjabi Name- Puthakanda, Kutri
  • Marathi Name- Aghada, Pandhara-aghada
  • Malagasy Name – Mahabaka
  • Tamil Name – Shiru kadaladi, Nayuruvi
  • Sinhala Name – Karal heba
  • Indonesian Name - Jarong
  • French Name – herbe sergen, Herbe à Bengalis, queue de rat
  • Spanish Name – Cadillo de mazorca, mazotillo
  • African Name – Grootklits, Langklitskablom

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Tikta, Katu

Bitter, Pungent

Guna (Characteristics)

Teekshna, Laghu, Ruksha

Sharp, Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effect On Dosha

It balances kapha and vata doshas.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita

Krimighna – used to eradicate parasites and bacteria.

Akradi gana

Vamnopaga - herbs that are used to treat vamana.


Shirovirechan - Herbs that are effective at removing dosha from the head and neck.


Special Activity

The kapha and vata doshas in the body can be balanced by apamarg in a specific way. It plays a very effective part in an illness called "Bhasmaka Roga" in Ayurveda, which is characterized by excessive hunger.

In these situations, the patients are given a porridge made from Apamarga fruits to sate their appetite. Due to the extremely intense and highly kindled digestive fire in these patients, the hunger sensations are so acute that the condition can be equated to hyperacidity in modern conceptions.

Practical Uses

  • Kaphanashana - As previously mentioned, Apamarga is a potent and highly effective plant for detoxification. It has the capacity to expel the domineering kapha and vata doshas from the body.
  • Virechna - In order to help patients' doshas balance, it might be utilized to induce purgation in them.
  • Krimighna - Due to its potent purgative effects, it can aid in the elimination of intestinal microbial diseases and worm infestations. External use of Apamarg paste helps treat wounds, soothe eczema, and purge the body of any infectious diseases.
  • Vamana - if a person has long-term, uncontrollable nausea and vomiting. The natural remedy Apamarg can be a vital one.
  • Arshoghana - The usage of this herb can be quite beneficial for those with piles and hemorrhoids. It maintains gut cleanliness and balances the Kapha and Vata doshas, which are in charge of causing constipation and other symptoms that can accompany these diseases.
  • Deepana and Pachna - One of the best herbs for the body to digest "Ama" is Apamarg. What treatment is more effective than Apamarg to treat Ama's predominately kapha dosha? It aids in enhancing anorexia and digestive strength, consequently regulating the entire natural digestive process.
  • Dadruhara and kandu hara - Apamarg has a general body-cleansing effect that aids in blood detoxification, skin condition improvement, and prevention of pruritis, urticaria, and other conditions.
  • Hridya - By taking action against the cholesterol depots that obstruct normal blood circulation, it's one of the best ayurveda for cardiac care and aids in the improvement of cardiac health.
  • Apchihara - Apamarg can be helpful ayurveda herbs for women who have fibroids or other glandular growths.
  • Ahdmanhara - Additionally, it helps to relieve stomach discomfort and bloating.
  • Apamarg is a superb diuretic that aids in breaking up and getting rid of kidney and bladder stones as well as any associated infections that may be bothering the patient.
  • It is among the most effective herbs for treating kapha and vata diseases that affect the organs above the neck. It can be used in a variety of methods to treat illnesses that impact the head region, such as migraines, epilepsy, convulsions, psychological issues, etc.

External Uses

A few drops of Apamarg oil are used to treat earache, while the root paste of the plant is used to treat urticaria, itching, and numerous skin conditions.


  • Apamarga should only be used with extreme caution because an overdose might cause nausea and vomiting.
  • Additionally, it is unsafe for women who are expecting or nursing.
  • Avoiding its use is preferable if one is receiving infertility therapy.


  • Fresh juice - 5 – 10ml per day.
  • Kshara - 0.5 to 2 g in divided doses per day.
  • Apamarg kshara oil - 1-3 drops

Part Used

  • Roots
  • Seeds
  • Leaf
  • Panchang

Ayurveda Products that Use this Herb

Apamargakshara Oil

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