Aralu (Ailanthus Excelsa)

Aralu is also referred to as Ailanthus Excelsa, and "sona patha" is one of its other popular names. It belongs to the family Simarubaceae. It is a large tree with an offensive odor and astringent flavor.

Common synonyms

  • English name – Coramandel Ailanto, Indian tree of heaven
  • Hindi name – Karanj, Adu Ghoda Neem, Ghoda 
  • Sanskrit name – Deergha Vrunta, Pooti Vruksha, Mahanimba, Katavanga etc.


Aralu and Shyonak (Oroxylum Indicum), another significant herb in the Ayurvedic medical system, have frequently been contrasted. It is a common plant that can reach 1000 feet above sea level in Sri Lanka and India.



Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Tikta, Kashaya 

Bitter,  Astringent

Guna (Characteristics)



Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Special Activity and Common Properties

Aralu is known to increase the volume of stools and is high in dietary fiber. It is known to enhance stomach functioning and has digestive qualities.

It works well to strengthen the digestive system so that the body can dissolve and digest ama. Additionally, it increases digestive activity to prevent ama from forming in the first place.

Aralu's bitter, astringent flavor and cooling qualities cause a general detoxification of the body. It aids in stifling and lowering inflammatory reactions that the body may experience as a result of many infections, including bacterial, viral, fungal, and mold ones.

According to Ayurveda, the abdominal area can operate normally when it is devoid of any swelling or inflammation. Additionally, an early disturbance in gastrointestinal functioning is the cause of the majority of diseases, whether they be mild ailments or serious ones that result in mortality.

Aralu provides regenerating and grounding qualities. As a result, it helps to reduce the frequency of stools in cases of diarrhea and dysentery. Aralu can assist in clearing the illness so that mucous secretions can be decreased, especially in dysentery where there is a lot of mucous production along with feces. Additionally, it aids in the relief of bloating and pain in the abdomen brought on by diarrhea and dysentery.

Children and newborns are particularly susceptible to worm infestations due to their propensity to put everything in their mouths. In such kids, aralu can aid in washing worms out of the intestines.

Aralu's stabilizing properties are utilized throughout the postpartum period. It is utilized in this instance to lessen bleeding and speed up the recovery of the uterine muscles so that the mother can quickly recover and feel normal and healthy very early.

Similarly, Aralu can be given in the form of a bark or leaf decoction to females experiencing excessive vaginal or uterine bleeding due to menorrhagia, fibroids, or endometriosis to provide instant relief.

These days, a leaky gut is a pretty frequent condition. The terrible thing is that because so few people are aware of it, many individuals are becoming more and more undernourished without realizing what is happening to their bodies.

Such persons experience many nutritional deficiencies, but not necessarily as a result of consuming a diet deficient in nutrients, but rather as a result of food allergies or poor eating practices that obstruct the proper absorption of food in the intestines. Aralu can be quite helpful in this situation because it encourages the big intestine's ability to absorb food and its vital nutrients.


The roots, bark, and leaves can be used to produce a decoction for usage.

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