Garcinia Cambogia / Garcinia Gummi-Gutta

An uncommon fruit called garcinia cambogia is frequently employed in the culinary industry. It is an evergreen tree of average size with unisexual flowers that are axillary in shape. The leaves are elliptic-oval in shape, glossy, and dark green in color. It has fruits with a sweet-sour flavor. The fruit has a distinctive purple tint and resembles a little yellow, red, or orange pumpkin. The exotic-tasting garcinia cambogia fruit is commonly used in culinary preparation. The primary advantage of garcinia cambogia is weight loss, and because of this, it has gained a lot of attention as a well-liked all-natural weight-loss supplement.

Additionally, it is particularly successful in treating a wide range of illnesses and conditions, including edema (the buildup of fluid in the body), piles, constipation, rheumatism, intestinal parasites, irregular menstruation, excessive cholesterol levels, and cancer. Various health-promoting chemicals are present in various garcinia cambogia components. Its unique composition makes it exceptionally healthful and helpful in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions.


Latin name: Garcinia cambogia

Kingdom: Plantae

Clade: Angiosperms

Order: Malpighiales

Family: Clusiaceae

Tribe: Garcinieae Chois

Genus: Garcinia

Sanskrit name: Vrikshamala, Samagnicha

Common name: Kudam puli, Garcinia cambogia, Brindle berry, and Malabar tamarind.


Southeast Asian coastal regions are where garcinia gummi-gutta is farmed. found in Kerala and Karnataka, India. also present throughout central and western Africa. Most damp woodlands are where it thrives.

Chemical Composition

Citric, phosphoric, and tartaric acids make up the plant. Two polyisoprenylated benzophenone derivatives, camboginol (I) and cambogin (II), are present in the latex of Garcinia cambogia. One of the main components of garcinia cambogia is hydroxycitric acid. According to its dry weight, hydroxycitic acid makes up 20–30% of the fruit. It closely resembles the citric acid found in lemons. Garcinia cambogia's active ingredients (hydroxycitric acid) suppress the appetite and excessive cravings for sweets and fast food while also boosting the body's energy levels. Additionally, they boost thermogenesis and calorie burning while reducing the formation of triglycerides and cholesterol. Vitamin C, which is abundant in garcinia cambogia, works to preserve the gastric mucosa and lower acidity. 

Ayurvedic properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Madhura, Amla, Katu 

Sweet, Sour, Pungent

Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Ruksha

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia

  • Balances seven dhatus and calms the Kapha and Vata doshas.
  • Possesses a thermogenic quality that improves absorption, sharpens the taste buds, and clears ama and toxin buildup from the oral cavity.
  • As a result of the three rasas present, make the body lighter.
  • Improves cooperation between the three doshas—samana vata, pachak pitta, and kledak kapha—supports digestion, the passage of air and space throughout the body, the maintenance of enzyme activity, and the level of lubrication.
  • Improves general health and balances medhya dhatu.
  • Samagnicha - Consists of desirable qualities. Consequently, it slows weight loss and helps to remove fatty tissue.

Health Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia fruits, seeds, roots, leaves, and extracts all have medicinal properties that make them effective in treating a range of illnesses. Garcinia cambogia also contains a number of other healthy components in addition to hydroxycitric acid. It distinguishes this composition from other herbs. Additionally, it is used to treat infections in the abdomen, certain liver conditions, and abdominal pain. Digestive fluids are stimulated by garcinia cambogia, which aids in digestion. A very high amount of hydroxycitric acid, however, can be lethal and have negative side effects.

Due to the presence of polyisoprenylated benzophenones, garcinia cambogia has an anti-HIV and anti-bacterial impact. It also inhibits the activity of damaging toxins, protecting cells from damage from bacterial infection. It also modifies the expression gene and has antibacterial and ulcer-preventive activities. This herb also aids in the treatment of cancer since it has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer qualities.

Antioxidant Properties

The imbalance between the generation of reactive oxygen species and the antioxidants' incapacity to scavenge is what causes oxidative stress. The growth and development of numerous diseases and disorders, including arthritis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and many more, are significantly influenced by this oxidative stress. Antioxidants included in garcinia cambogia counteract oxidative stress and halt the development of a number of diseases and conditions.

The Garcinia cambogia extract has the power to counteract the negative effects of free radicals and also stops the production of reactive oxygen species. This means that the onset of oxidative stress is inhibited by garcinia cambogia extract. Additionally, it reduces oxidative stress by stifling the activity of reactive oxygen species.

Weight Loss

Garcinia Cambogia is a key player in weight loss. It has long been used as a popular weight loss or anti-obesity supplement. The presence of an active ingredient called "hydroxycitric acid" in Garcinia cambogia is primarily responsible for this fruit's ability to aid in weight loss. The process through which carbohydrates are turned into fat in the body is known as lipogenesis, which is stopped by hydroxycitric acid. The body encourages glycogen storage by oxidizing carbs as this conversion is prevented. This suppresses appetite, which in turn reduces body weight increase. Additionally, hydroxycitric acid produces serotonin in the brain, which further suppresses appetite. Natural appetite suppressor serotonin reduces cravings for food and aids in weight loss.

The ATP citrate lyase enzyme, cholesterol, and triglycerides make the synthesis or production of fatty acids easier. Garcinia's HCA stops ATP citrate lyase from working. With this enzyme inhibition, less fatty acid, cholesterol, and triglyceride are produced, which lowers the overall amount of body fat.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Type 2 diabetes mellitus can be effectively treated with garcinia cambogia. Garcinia cambogia enhances peripheral insulin sensitivity and functions as an insulin resistant. As a result, the body's blood and glucose concentrations are reduced while the flow of glucose to cells and muscles is increased. As a result, it lowers hyperglycemia, or elevated plasma glucose levels.

The salt of hydroxycitric acid, which is taken from the dried rind of the Garcinia cambogia fruit, contains calcium and phosphorus. It was discovered that the extract lowers pancreatic oxidative stress levels, which assisted in lowering the high plasma glucose level.

High Cholesterol and triglyceride Levels

Taking garcinia cambogia can help lower high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Garcinia cambogia extract inhibits ATP lyase, an enzyme that helps the body produce fat. In addition, it inhibits the growth of fat in the liver, intestines, and adipose tissue.

Diuretic Activity

Water may build up in the body as a result of certain disorders, leading to edema. Diuretics are a class of medications that are administered to patients with edema—an accumulation of water in the body—in order to boost their urine production. This lessens the extra water and electrolytes that build up in the body as a result of numerous illnesses.

Anti-Inflammatory Property

Numerous disorders have an association with inflammation. As a result, reducing inflammation becomes crucial for the treatment of the illness. One such condition is inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in which the gastrointestinal system becomes more inflamed.

Side Effects

  • This results in increased liver damage and liver toxicity.
  • Irritates the skin
  • Effects that prevent thrombosis
  • Pregnant women
  • Lactating mothers

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