Gotu Kola / Mandukparni / Marshpenny / Centella Asiatica

Every herb used in Ayurveda has unique qualities and effects on various ailments. Herbs or medications are referred to as Dravya in Ayurveda and are used to treat a variety of bodily problems. Our Acharya has described the herbs in a distinct way; they have categorized the effects of dravya, its qualities, uses, and many other things. In the Charak Samhita, they have characterized fifty mahakashayas in accordance with each herb and its actions. Similar to this, Acharya Sushruta included 37 gannas in their Samhita according to their characteristics. The herb known as Mandukaparni will be discussed in this article.

General Information

In China, India, and Indonesia, gotu kola, also known as mandukaparni, has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of illnesses. This is frequently used to treat wounds, mental problems, and numerous skin conditions like leprosy and psoriasis. Additionally, it can be used to treat respiratory problems. This herb is referred to as the source of life in Chinese medicine. This plant is indigenous to India and is employed both in cooking and medicine. Due to its advantageous neuroprotective qualities, it has been regarded as a brain tonic.

Special Note About Mandukparni 

This perennial herbaceous plant can be found growing in both tropical and temperate swamps all over the world. The long, rounded stems are green or reddish in color, feature smooth-textured palmately netted veins, and are long-stalked in nature. They are designed to connect various components of the plant. This crop matures in three months and is hand collected, including the roots, as the entire plant is used for medicinal purposes. With safety established, it has been applied to minor wounds and other illnesses. It can be used both internally and outside with success.

Systemic Classification

Botanical Name - Centella Asiatica

Family - Apiaceae

Genus - Centella

Species - C. Asiatica


Mandukparni - Its leaves have a frog-like form.

Maanduki - Due to the fact that this herb grows close to pond areas, is known by the name of Manduk Rishi, or spreads like a frog throughout the land, it can be called Maanduki.

Brahmi - Improving the memory

Saraswati - This can be found in wet places and aids in memory enhancement.

Other Vernacular Names

English - Indian Penny or Marsh penny 

Hindi - Bengseng, Brahmi

Bengali - Thulkuddi

Malayalam - Karivanna

Gujarati - Khandbrahmi

Telugu - Manduka Brahmi


The only species of Centella found in India is the little trailing herb or perennial plant known as mandukaparni. Its stem is glabrous, its roots are nodular, and pink-colored stripes are visible on the stem.  It features tiny green leaves that resemble fans and are squishy, articulated, dentate, and structurally reformed. On the upper half of the stem, where the petioles are longer and smoother, the stem is hairy in structure. It has umbels with fascicled pink and white blooms. Its fruits are thickened with dull brown and woody white in color and are oblong, laterally compressed, and firm from the pericarp.

Throughout the nation, this plant is typically found in marshy areas in tropical and subtropical climates. Its native soil is moist, fertile, and loose, as well as soil of the clay variety. This is located at a distance from the sea level of 2000 feet.

Classical Categorization

  • This herb was described by Acharya Charak in his writings on tiktaskandha, praja sthapana, and vaya sthapan mahakashaya.
  • In Tikta Varga, Acharya Sushruta gives a description of this herb.
  • This plant has also been discussed by Shoddhal and Bhavprakash nighantu in their separate textbooks.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Quality)

Guru, Snigadh

Heavy, Moist

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects On Doshas

By utilizing Tikta rasa, this herb helps in balancing the Pitta and Kapha doshas.

Practical Uses

  • Iron, sodium, calcium, a variety of proteins, dietary fibers, carbs, vitamins A, B, and C, and many other nutrients can be found in mandukparni.
  • Mandukparni has a variety of health-supportive properties, including hepatoprotection, anti-inflammation, anti-ulcerous, anti-epileptic, aids in immune system stimulation, and may help with sleep induction due to its calming and sedative properties. It is also cardiac tonic, anti-diabetic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial, and has wound healing properties.
  • Due to its bitter flavor, this herb calms the Pitta and Kapha doshas.
  • It produces results when applied as a paste to the skin's outer surface thanks to its antioxidant characteristics or by promoting blood flow to that region.
  • With its ability to retain information, this herb aids in improving memory and thinking ability.
  • It boosts the digestive fire and preserves the bacteria in the intestines because of its tikta, or bitter taste.
  • It assists in Kapha nihasaran, which clears the mucus in the respiratory system, because of its tikta rasa.
  • It also affects the pancreas, making it naturally operate as an anti-diabetic.
  • It influences female milk production because of its cold potency and pleasant post-digestive effect. It also aids in the cleansing of milk and female secondary reproductive organs.
  • The ability of every component of the body to function at its best is improved by this herb, which also has anti-aging properties and aids in sustaining a healthy life.
  • This is utilized with individuals who have brain deterioration, slurred speech, and numerous skin issues like psoriasis and fungal infections.
  • This plant is also used to treat many other bleeding conditions, including gum bleeding and epistaxis.
  • This helps to reduce fever and remove toxins from the body.
  • Acharya Charaka categorized this herb as a medhya Rasayana herb since it contains revitalizing and anti-aging properties.

Part used

Leaves, flowers, fruits, stem, and roots


  • Use 10 to 20 ml of juice or decoction, as appropriate.
  • 2-4 grams in the form of powder.

Ayumantra Ayurvedic Products from Gotu Kola

  • Gotu Kola Tablet (Centella Asiatica)

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