Guduchi / Giloy / Tinospora Cordifolia

Guduchi, also known as the Giloy Plant, is a well-known herbaceous vine and glabrous climbing shrub. It is a deciduous climbing shrub with numerous elongated twining branches and characteristic greenish-yellow blooms. Giloy shrub's heart-shaped leaves are simple and alternating with long petioles up to 15cm long and dark green in color. Giloy flowers are unisexual, with male flowers grouped and female flowers solitary. This herb's succulent bark is grey or creamy white in color, and its wood is white, soft, and porous. When the stem is freshly cut, it takes on a yellow hue. This herb's flowering season is in June, and its fruiting season is in November. Drupe-shaped Guduchi Fruits mature to a scarlet color. These fruits form 1-3 tiny, smooth, ovoid drupelets on a sturdy stalk.

General Information

Tinospora cordifolia is the botanical name for Giloy. Tinospora cordifolia is a vine that grows as a herb. It is recognized as having the highest medicinal benefits in Ayurveda. Giloy grown on a neem tree offers higher therapeutic properties than giloy grown alone. It is an immune-boosting plant. Guduchi satva is derived from giloy stems. This is quite medicinal in nature. Acharya Charka classified this herb as one of four Medhya Rasayana. Because of its fast healing powers, the arial roots of this herb were utilized for suturing wounds by Achrya Shushrut. Giloy is effective in reducing ama (toxins) and other bacteria that cause fever and other diseases. It is an anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and immune-stimulating herb. This herb contains the chemical components berberine, tinosporin, palmetin, mangoflorine, choline, ethanol, isocolumbin, tembetarine, and aporphine.

Special note about Giloy 

अमृता साङ्ग्राहिकवातहरदीपनीयश्लेष्मशोणितविबन्धप्रशमनानां

According to this charak samhita shalok, guduchi is a primary herb having a bitter taste. It stimulates digestion and helps to balance vata and kapha doshas. Guduchi is a useful herb for treating constipation and bleeding issues.


Tinospora cordifolia is found in tropical India, from Kumaon to Assam, at elevations of 1200 meters above sea level. It is only found in India, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. Giloy is a widespread vine that grows in both deciduous and dry woodlands. It is widely available in Bihar, West Bengal, Kerala, and Karnataka in India.


Kingdom - Plantae

Family - Menispermaceae

Order - Ranunculales

Other Names of Giloy  

English name - Indian Tinospora, Heart-leaved moonseed

Hindi name - Giloy, Gurach 

Kannada name - Agniballi, Amrutaballi 

Malayalam name - Amritavalli, Chitamrith 

Telugu name - Dussiramu, Tippatige 

Marathi name - Ambarvel, Amrita, Gulvel 

Bengali name - Giloy, Gulancha 

Oriya name - Gulochi, Gulancha

Gujarati name - Gulo, Gado, Galo 

Tamil name - Amrida Valli, Silam, Pittigai

Sikkim name - Gurjo 

Punjabi name - Batindu, Gilogularich

Assamese name - Hoguni-lot 

Konkani name - Amritvel

Urdu name - Guluncha

Nepalese name - Gurjo

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Kashaya, Tikta

Astringent, Bitter

Guna (Quality)



Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances vata, pitta, and kapha dosha.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita


  • Vayasthapan - Rejuvenative group of herbs.
  • Trishna nigrah - Herbs are used to decrease thirst.
  • Triptighna - Herbs help with early satiation.
  • Daha prashmana - Herbs that alleviate the sensation of burning.
  • Satnya shodhna - herbs that aid in breast milk purification.
  • Guduchyadi gana,
  • Patolyadi gana
  • Valli panchmoola
  • Aragvadhadi gana
  • Kakolyadi gana.
  • Guduchyadi gana

Practical uses

  • Guduchi provides immune support and improves the immune system. It aids in the removal of toxins from the body and the rejuvenation of the body. This plant, according to Ayurveda, helps to maintain equilibrium between all necessary illnesses of the body, including dosha, dhatu, and mala. This plant aids in illness prevention and overall health maintenance.
  • Giloy is a highly useful herb for treating high and low-grade fevers, as well as various viral and bacterial diseases. It aids in the relief of fever-related symptoms such as a burning sensation, weakness, exhaustion, chills, and excessive sweating.
  • Giloy satva is really useful for any form of fever or sickness. This herb is also highly useful in treating typhoid fever.
  • The plant is useful for treating a variety of skin conditions, including itchiness, burning, leprosy, redness, swelling, and tenderness.
  • Giloy is a very effective plant for treating gout and uric acid. It lessens the body's production of toxins and extra uric acid.
  • For the treatment of interstitial cystitis, utilize this herb. It lowers excessive cholesterol levels and is also highly helpful for diabetic patients.
  • Tinospora roots include an ethanol extract that is particularly good for the nervous system. This chemical is regarded as the best brain tonic and relieves stress.
  • Additionally, it is used to treat conditions related to the digestive system, including indigestion, hyperacidity, worm infestation, abdominal pain, and excessive thirst.
  • This herb's roots have potent emetic properties and are excellent for relieving intestinal blockages.
  • It aids in calming the three tridoshas of vata, pitta, and kapha.

Part used






Stem powder - 3-6gms

Giloy satva - 500mg-1gm

Ayumnatra Ayurvedic Products from Giloy

  • Guduchi Powder (Tinospora cordifolia)

  • Guduchi Capsules (Tinospora Cordifolia)
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