Haritaki / Harad (Terminalia chebula)

A wonderful herb with many uses is haritaki. This herb is well-known for revitalizing the body.  It has a variety of therapeutic benefits, including antipyretic, aphrodisiac, antihelminthic, and heart tonic. Additionally, it has carminative and purgative properties and is beneficial for treating digestive issues. It is a member of the Combretaceae family. It is also frequently referred to as Harad.


Abhya, Pathya, Kayastha, Putna, Amrita, Haimvati, Avyatha, Chetki, Sreyasi, Shiva, Vayastha, Vijiya, Jivanti, and Rohini are synonyms for Haritaki.

Other names of Haritaki

English  - Indian walnut, Indian hog plum

Hindi - Harad

Telugu  - Karakkaya

Tamil  - Kadukkai

Gujarati  - Harade, Hardi, Harara

Arabian  - Haleelaz

Farsi  - Hallel

Assam  - Shilikha

Kannada  - Arale, Alale

Konkani  - Ordo, Hardi

Malayalam  - Kadukka

Marathi  - Hirda

Persian- Halela

Classification of Haritaki

Kingdom - Plantae

Subkingdom - Tracheobionta

Superdivision - Spermatophyta

Division - Magnoliophyta

Class - Magnoliopsida

Subclass - Rosids

Order - Myrtales

Family - Combretaceae

Genus - Terminalia L.

Species - T. chebula

Description of Haritaki plant

The height of a haritaki tree is 50 to 80 feet. Cuts can be seen on the dark brown bark. Oval, 3-8 inches long, 2-4 inches wide, and with 5-8 veins, the leaves. Small, clustered, and yellowish-white, the flowers are.  Fruits have pronounced lines, are oval, and range in size from 1-2 inches. Unripe fruits are green, and as they mature, they turn yellowish-brown. One seed is included in each fruit. In the months of February and March, the leaves shed. Fruits begin to grow in the winter, and flowers begin to bloom in April and May. From January until April, the ripe fruit is collected.


Up to an elevation of 5,000 feet, it can be found in India, particularly in the lower Himalayas, from Ravi to East-West Bengal and Assam.

Chemical Composition

The fruits include tannins like corilagin, chelbulinic acid, and chelbulinic acid. Additionally, it has 18 amino acids, a small quantity of phosphorus, succinic, quinic, and Shikimik acids.  Fruit that is ripening has less tannins and more acidic content. The seed kernel contains volatile oils.

Ayurvedic Properties of Haritaki


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Katu, Tikta, Kashay, Madhur, Amal

Pungent, Bitter, Astringent, Sweet, Sour

Guna (Action)

Laghu, Ruksha

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



 Effect on Doshas

All three tridoshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are calmed down.

Categorized as per Classical

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita

  • Jwarghna - Herbal remedies for fever
  • Kasaghna - Herb beneficial for colds, coughs, and shortness of breath
  • Virechnopaga - Purgation can be induced with the aid of herbs.
  • Kusthghana - Skin diseases can benefit from herbs.
  • Vayasthapana - Anti-ageing

Triphala, Amalakyadi, Parushkadi

Haritaki's Effect on Various Systems

  • Nervine tonic: The nervous system is strengthened by it.
  • Effects on Digestion: It stimulates the appetite, serves as an appetizer, and has carminative, antihelminthic, and moderate purgative properties.
  • Cardiac tonic: Madhur Vipak makes the heart muscles stronger and supports the cardiovascular system's healthy operation. It also has anti-edematous properties.
  • Aphrodisiac: This property makes it possible for it to clean the uterine cavities as well as preserve the reproductive system's healthy functioning.
  • Diuretics: Urinary flow is increased.
  • Antiphlegmetic: It promotes healthy respiratory system function and lessens coughing.
  • Effect On skin: It is beneficial for all skin conditions.
  • Antipyretic: Fever can be reduced using it.

Uses and Benefits

It can be utilized in a number of forms, including paste, powder, and decoction. Both internal and external uses are possible for it.

External use:

  • You can wash wounds with a haritaki decoction.
  • The decoction can also be gargled to clean the mouth and throat.
  • Bleeding can be controlled by washing piles in a Haritaki decoction.
  • When applied to boils, the Haritaki paste will speed up the healing process and reduce the burning feeling.

Internal use:

  • Haritaki powder is used to treat vomiting as well as to help with digestion.
  • To reduce the fever, Haritaki powder and decoction are administered.
  • Haritaki powder can be used as a teeth powder and strengthens the gums.
  • When taken for respiratory conditions like cough, rhinitis, and dyspnea, it functions as an expectorant.
  • Its decoction is beneficial for edema and swelling.
  • It is administered in the event of lowered immunity and functions as an immune booster.
  • It is a diuretic and helpful for calculus and dysuria.

Part Used

Haritaki Fruits (Dry)


3-6 grams

Simple methods for using Haritaki at home

  • If you have indigestion, you can chew the bark of haritaki.
  • You can take Haritaki powder by combining it with honey if you experience vomiting.
  • You can take 2 to 5 grams of haritaki per day, which will aid in phlegm release and work well for persistent coughs.
  • Take leaves from Haritaki, green cardamom, raisins, and Malabar nuts to make the decoction. Add honey or sugar as well. After a short break of several minutes, take it in small doses. It aids in treating bronchial asthma and bronchitis and lessens coughing.
  • Take 3-6 grams of haritaki powder with an equal amount of sugar, thoroughly mix it, and take it twice a day after meals. It helps to improve the digestive system.
  • In the event of urinary disorders, take 2-5 grams of its powder and combine it with 1 teaspoon of honey. This is also beneficial for fever.
  • To promote digestion, mix equal parts of ginger root powder and haritaki powder and take 1.5 grams of it. Or, to relieve indigestion, you can have a mixture of 2 grams of haritaki, 1 gram of ginger root, and jaggery.
  • This plant stimulates arousal. Cook 5 grams of haritaki and 1 gram of rock salt in 50 ml of cow's urine and castor oil. Cook this mixture until all that is left is oil. If your body produces little or no sperm, strain this oil and drink warm water. It enhances the generation of sperm.
  • Prepare a decoction of Haritaki, aniseed, pomegranate fruit feel, babul bark, and Indian gooseberry in the event of inadequate immunity. Take this twice daily for 20–30 ml. The immunity will be strengthened. 

Caution to Be Taken

Patients with a Pitta or Vata body type and who are skinny, dry, malnourished, and have an intense fever, should not take haritaki. Furthermore, it shouldn't be used by women who are breastfeeding or pregnant. It is recommended to only take Haritaki under a doctor's supervision.

Ayurvedic Classical formulation

Abhayadi modak, Agastiharitaki leha, Gandharvaharitaki churna, Abhayarishta, Pathyadivati, Pathyadikadha, Vyaghriharitaki leha.

Ayumantra’s Ayurvedic Product of Haritaki 

  • Haritaki Tablets ( Terminalia Chebula )
  • Haritaki Powder (Terminalia Chebula)
  • Eranda Haritaki Powder (Gandharva Haritki)
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