Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)

A popular culinary, fragrant, and medicinal herb is hyssopus officinalis. It is indigenous to South European nations. It can be found in India in the Western Himalayas, between Kashmir and Kumaun, at elevations of 8,000–11,000 feet. The aromatic perennial herbs and subshrubs of the genus Hyssopus are prized for their culinary and medicinal uses. This plant's leaves are frequently used as a flavoring for food. In different regions of the world, it is used medicinally as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, carminative, anti-catarrhal, and anti-spasmodic.

Since it has been used for medical purposes for so long, this plant has been known as the "all-relieving" herb. Even today, this herb is utilized as a common household medicine to heal stomach-related issues and sore throats.

Plant Description

The perennial plant hyssop is a member of the mint family. The therapeutic herbs of this family come in a wide range. Its base has a woody stem. It has lance-shaped, 2-2.5 cm long, dark green leaves. The leaves smell good and taste bitter, and they have a tiny hair-like structure. The blossoms are pink to purplish in color and have a lovely aroma. The fruit is trapezoidal in shape and brown in color. Between July and September, flowers are in blossom.

Botanical Name: Hyssopus officinalis

Family: Lamiaceae

Hindi Name: Jupha

English Name: Hyssop

Urdu Name: Zufah

Medicinal Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Katu, Tikta

Pungent, Bitter

Guna (Action)

Laghu, Ruksha, Teekshana

Light, Dry, Sharp

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effect on dosha

Balances Vata and Kapha dosha.

Characteristics of Pharmacology

Among its many pharmacological properties, H. officinalis demonstrates anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, spasmolytic, anti-viral, cytotoxic, anti-platelet, and other effects. The presence of pinocamphone and iso-pinocamphone in this plant is thought to be responsible for its antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant effects. This plant's ability to fight viruses is thought to be due to the tannins and caffeic acid it contains.

Health Benefits

  • Because of this plant's antibacterial and antifungal characteristics, the paste made from its leaves is applied to wounds to speed healing.
  • Hyssopus officinalis leaves are used to make a tea that is used to cure coughs, respiratory infections, and stomachaches. Intestinal worms are treated with a decoction of their leaves in a dose of 25 ml.
  • To cure constipation and abdominal distension, 10 ml of fresh juice from its blossoms and leaves is given.
  • Its leaves paste is applied to the forehead to cure headaches and rhinitis.
  • Its leaf juice mixed with honey works well to treat respiratory tract infections.
  • The cold infusion of its leaves in a quantity of 40 ml is very good for treating fever and hepatomegaly.
  • When applied to bug stings and bites, the leaf paste helps to reduce discomfort.
  • This herb's extract is highly effective at relieving menstruation cramps.
  • It contains diaphoretic (sweat-inducing) and anti-inflammatory effects as a peripheral vasodilator. This herb's ability to make people sweat may help fever patients feel better.
  • This plant's poultice aids in the conjunctivitis treatment process. The plant's fresh or dried leaves should be soaked in boiling water for 15 minutes to prepare the poultice before being placed on a cloth for application. For comparable results, apply crushed fresh leaves directly to the skin.

Culinary Uses

  • This plant's fresh leaves can be utilized in cooking.
  • The dried leaves of this plant are used in Middle Eastern spice blends.

Adverse Effects

  • A person who is sensitive to strong odours may get an epileptic fit as a result of this plant's strong odour.
  • The overuse of this plant's essential oil can result in diarrhea and excessive bowel movements.
  • Due to the presence of pino-camphone in its essential oil, this herb is not advised for usage in younger children. It is a ketone that, when consumed in large concentrations, can result in convulsions and seizures.
  • Internally ingesting its oil and other formulations in excessive quantities over an extended period of time is not advised.

Part Used

The Whole plant

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