Karkatshringi (Pistacia integerrima)

It is a glabrous shrub with a 16-meter growth rate and dark gray or blackish bark. Leaflets are 4-5 pairs, lanceolata, coriaceous, and have an oblique base. Leaves are 20–25 cm long, with or without a terminal leaflet. This bush has a strange odor. Dark green leaves that become vivid red in the fall. They are more distinguishable at this point. Male flowers are compact, pubescent, and in lateral panicles; female flowers are lax and elongate. Plants produce enormous clusters of tawny-colored fruit in the winter, along with flowers and fruits in the spring. Many different types of birds consume and disperse these fruits. Plant seeds have a membrane testa.

General Information

Karkatshringi is categorized as a poisonous tuber in the Sushurta Samhita. Srngi (gall), which is generated by the bug Dasia asdifactor, is a plant. On the branches of this herb, this insect creates horn-like growths known as karkatshringis. These have broad, hollow, thin walls, are typically cylindrical, and taper toward either end. These galls (srngi) are tonics and are loaded with medicinal qualities. This herb's expectorant characteristics work well to treat issues such as cough, asthma, phthisis, fever, TB, and upset stomach. This plant aids in clearing mucus from the trachea, bronchi, and airways. This herb has effective antimicrobial properties that can combat bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.This herb is very efficient in the treatment of children's ailments. This herb can also be used to treat gum disorders. Aside from galls, all other plant elements such as leaves, bark, and seeds have medicinal effects.

Phytochemical constituents - Aromadendrene, camphene, caprylic acid, cineol, a-pinene, amino acids, dihydromalvic acid, pistacin, pistacinin, sterals, triterpenoids, and dihydroquercetin are among the substances present in resin, essential oils, and pistacienoic acids A and B. These phytochemical substances also provide a number of health advantages and aid in the treatment of ailments.


It comes from both China and Japan. but can be seen there as well. It is grown in India at altitudes between 600 and 2,500 meters in the temperate Himalayas, from Kashmir to Sikkim to Bhutan.


Kingdom - Plantae

Family - Pistaciaceae


Latin Name: Pistacia integerrima

English name: Crabs claw

Hindi name: Kakadasrngi, Kakarasingi

Gujarati name: Kakadashing

Kashmiri name: Kakkar, Kamaladina

Marathi name: Kakadshingi

Oriya name: Kakadashringi

Punjabi name: Kakar, Kakarsingi

Urdu name: Kakra, mastagi desi

Kannada name: Kaakada shringi, Karkatakasrngi

Tamil name: Kakkata shrinigi

Telugu name: Kakarsingi, Karkatakashrungi

Malayalam name: Karkkatasrmgi

Bengali name: Kankda Shringi

Assamese name: Kakiasingi

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Kasaya, Tikta

Astringent, Bitter

Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Rooksha

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances Vata and Kapha doshas.

Classical categorization

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita


  • Kasahara - A group of plants used for treating coughs
  • Hikkanigrahana - A group of herbs used to cure hiccups
  • Kakolyadi
  • Padmakadi


Practical Uses of Karkatshringi

This herb works well to treat the edema (swelling) issue. It aids in lowering the buildup of fluid in the tissues. Additionally, this herb aids in alleviating edema-related problems such as swelling in the hands, feet, ankles, and legs.

  • This plant can be used effectively to treat gum conditions like pyorrhea and gingivitis. This herb's decoction aids in the removal of gum pus. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory qualities aid in pain reduction.
  • This plant aids in the healing of cuts and wounds since it is loaded with wound-healing qualities.
  • It has carminative and astringent effects. It aids in the reduction of flatulence in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, this herb is quite efficient in treating diarrhea, anorexia, and dysentery.
  • This plant is very beneficial in treating respiratory issues. It is effective in treating cough and dyspnea. Because of its bitter and pungent flavor, it serves as an expectorant and aids in the removal of mucus from the airways, bronchi, lungs, and trachea. It also aids in the management of hiccoughs. As a result, this plant strengthens the respiratory membrane's inner lining. Karkatshringi is well-known for its efficacy in the treatment of tuberculosis.
  • This herb promotes the health of the female reproductive system. It aids in the removal of dirt and pollutants following menstruation. It also aids in the repair of the uterine lining.
  • Because this herb has antipyretic qualities, it is useful in the treatment of fever.
  • Herbs' antimicrobial properties are quite useful in treating bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.
  • It has been discovered that Karkatshringi is a herb with anti-cancer effects. It aids in the natural suppression of cancer cell development.
  • This plant is effective in treating whooping cough and asthma in youngsters.
  • It functions as a spermatogenic and spermatopoietic agent. This is a very successful method for increasing sperm count and also for improving sperm quality. This plant is well-known for its ability to improve male sexual health. It promotes male strength, energy, and desire.

Parts Used



2-4 grams.

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