Ketak / Scre pine (Pandanus odorotissimus)

Herbs can be used in an unlimited number of ways like can be used in dried or fresh form, these are also a very important component to protect our body from diseases, and gives many health benefits, by improving our immunity and mental health. We will now talk about the nutritional value and health advantages of a herb called ketak. Ketak or ketaki is recognized by Pandanus odoratissimus and belongs to the family Pandanaceae. The tree of this herb is found in temperate climates and grows fairly quickly, is a palm-like tree of a height of 3-4 meters. This is quite known for its Kapha-Pitta Shakkay qualities.

Special Note About Scre pine

  • Ketak is a herb that is a member of the Pandanaceae family and is scientifically known as Pandanus odoratissimus.
  • The herb ketak is used to treat diabetes, fever, joint discomfort, otalgia, recurrently threatening abortions, and mental illnesses.
  • Pandanus, the main ingredient in ketaki, is made up of methyl ether of beta phenyl ethyl alcohol, benzyl salicylate, terpene-4-ol, and essential oils.
  • This plant ripens in the summer, but it blooms throughout the rainy season.

Systemic Classification

Botanical Name - andanus odoratissimus

Family - Pandanaceae

Genus - Pandanus

Species - P. odorifer


Ketak, Soochipushap - Sharp flowers look like needles.

Kakchchad - Its leaves are serrated and have pointy ends.

Trinn shoonya

Other Vernacular Names

Hindi Name - Kewda

Gujarati Name - kewado

Bengali Name - keya

Tamil Name - Jawnaan, Chedi

Telugu Name - Mogali chettu

Farsi Name - kadi

English Name - Screw Pine


  • It is a little branching palm tree that grows to a height of 10-12 feet and has a flexuous trunk that is densely packed with small branches. This is supported by brace roots, and it appears to be touching the ground due to its shoots pointing downwards.
  • The leaves grow in clusters 40-70 cm long, sword-shaped, greenish blue in color, and stiff. It has a stiff upper part and a toothed middle and lower part.
  • Flowers have a pleasant, perfumed odor that is similar to the aroma of a rose, but it is more fruity.
  • Its male blossoms are mostly used, distilled, and preserved in a watery distillate known as kewra water.
  • The round fruits are found in clusters and measure 4 to 10 inches in length and 4 to 8 inches in diameter. They have a deep greenish color.
  • This plant usually grows around riverbanks, ponds, and seashores. It spreads swiftly through branch cutting or seeds.
  • A flower blooms during the wet season, while fruits appear during the summer.

Classical Categorisation

  • This herb was mentioned by Kaiyyadev Nighantu in Vihara Varga.
  • This herb is described in Karveeradi Varga in Raj Nighantu.
  • In Puspa Varga, Acharya Bhavprakash mentions this plant.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Tikta, Madhura, Katu 

Bitter, Sweet, Pungent

Guna (Physical Property)

Snigdha, Laghu 

Light, Moist

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

Balances the doshas of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Practical Uses

  • This plant aids in the treatment of Kapha-pitta sickness.
  • This plant improves the complexion and treats skin ailments such as eczema and itch.
  • Ketaki is used as an analgesic, anti-epileptic, hair conditioner, odor remover, and for mending wounds or ulcers.
  • This is beneficial for calming the mind and nourishing all of the nerves.
  • Its oil is useful for treating back pain, osteoarthritis, and headaches.
  • Its floral juice is beneficial to the apsmara condition.
  • Its oil is beneficial for hair and body odor.
  • This plant is beneficial to heart health and functions as a heart tonic.
  • Diabetes can be treated using roots.
  • Infusions of fruits, flowers, and leaves are used to ease joint discomfort.
  • enhances dental health with a pleasant scent and a decoction of its leaves.
  • Because of its astringent qualities, stops bleeding gums.
  • It might possibly have some laxative effect.

Part used 

Flowers and their roots are utilized in traditional medicine.


  • This plant's powder can be ingested in small doses of 3 to 5 grams.
  • It is a cold infusion and distillate that can be consumed in 30 to 40 ml.

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