Khurasani Ajwain, Black Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)

Parasika Yavani (Hyoscyamus niger) is a 30-150 cm tall erect viscidly hairy annual herb with a nauseating odor. The plant comes in two varieties: annual and biennial. During the summer, the annual grows to a height of 30 to 60 cm (1 to 2 ft), then blossoms and sets seed. During the first season, a tuft of basal leaves appears, which disappears in the winter, and leaves underground a thick meaty root. Flowering and fruiting take place from April to September. The stem can grow to be many meters tall.

  • The leaves have irregularly shaped, smaller, sessile, oval lobes that are placed sporadically.
  • Bisexual, funnel-shaped flowers have a center of dark purple reticulation and a yellowish-green tint. The fruit has several black seeds enclosed in it.
  • The oval, kidney-shaped seeds have a dark grey hue, a diameter of around 1.5 mm, and a pungent, bitter, and mucilaginous flavor.

The plant produces a branched flowering stem the following spring that is typically significantly taller and more powerful than the annual plants' flowering stems.

General Description

The plant Parasika Yavani (Hyoscyamus niger) is a weed that grows twice a year. It is a herb with a scorching potency and a digestive character. This herb contains antihistaminic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anodyne, astringent anthelmintic, anti-phlegmatic, digestive, hypnotic, mydriatic, sedative, and stimulant properties.

The plant Parasika Yavani (Hyoscyamus Niger) cannot grow in the shade. It requires ample sunlight to flourish properly.

The main chemical components are hyoscyamine, atropine, and scopolamine, as well as flavonoids, tannins, amines, albumin, calcium, and potassium nitrate.


Domain: Eukarya

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order: Solanales

Family: Solanaceae

Genus: Hyoscyamus

Species: Niger


Parasika yavani is a Mediterranean and Temperate Asia native that has expanded to Europe, North Africa, West Africa, and North Asia. Baluchistan and Afghanistan are the primary sources of habitat. It is planted in West Himalayan regions from Kashmir to Khumau at random in villages at roadside altitudes of 1600-3500 m, otherwise in Himachal Pradesh's Lahul and Kinnaur regions, and also in Punjab, UP, Ajmer, Mumbai, and Nilgiri.

The ideal soil for growing seeds of this plant contains clay-like qualities with water-absorbing capacity.


Sanskrit Name - Parasika Yavni, Khurashanika, Khurasani ajwain, Parseekyavaani, Madkarini

English Name - Henbane, Devil's eye, Fetid nightshade, Jupiter's Bean, Black Henbane, Common Henbane, 

Hindi Name - Khurasani Ajawayan

Punjabi Name - Khurasanee ajvain, Bangidewana

Bengali Name - Khorasani Ajoban

Tamil Name - Kurasani Yomam

Marathi Name - Khurasanee Ova

Gujarati Name - Khurasani Ajma

Urdu Name - Ajvayanee Khursanee

Kannada Name - Khurasani Oma

Malayalam Name - Khurasani Ova

Telugu Name - Khurasani Yamani

Arabian Name - Altercum, Bajulbajj

Farsi Name - Turumavanga

German Name - Schwarzes Bilsenkraut

French Name - jusquiame

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Tikta, Katu

Bitter, Pungent

Guna (Physical Property)

Ruksha, Guru

Dry, Heavy

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect)



Effects on Doshas

Because of its heated potency, it balances the Kapha and Vata Doshas. It increases Pitta.

Practical Uses

The herb Hyoscyamus niger has numerous medicinal qualities. Its qualities include aphrodisiac, hypnotic, anticholinergic, anodyne, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anthelmintic, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, and many more.

  • This herb is a powerful pain reliever.
  • It can be used to kill parasitic worms.
  • A rheumatism-relieving supportive medicine.
  • It is an effective herb for nerve illnesses such as Parkinson's disease and neuralgia.
  • This herb is useful for toothaches, and gargling with it minimizes gum bleeding.
  • It has the capacity to break down kidney stones and stop urine retention.
  • It is a beneficial herb for ear problems since it can relieve ear pain.
  • It is effective for pupil dilatation during eye surgery.
  • This herb acts as a preventative agent against the growth of disease-causing bacteria.
  • Effective treatment for liver pain.
  • Because of its ability to induce hypnosis and sleep, it is also a useful cure for insomnia.
  • As a good sedative/intoxicant, it has relaxing and soothing effects.
  • This herb soothes or prevents cramps and spasms.
  • This natural remedy is effective in treating conditions like asthma, incontinence, stomach cramps, and muscle spasms because it inhibits the brain's cholinergic neurotransmitter.
  • The plant can relieve digestive system gas, such as colic, flatulence, or griping.

Part Used





Powder: 250-1000 mg


  • It should only be used under physician supervision.
  • During pregnancy and nursing, this herb should be avoided.
  • Another precaution is to avoid if you have tachycardia (faster heart rate), heart failure, Down syndrome, fever, urine retention, or narrow-angle glaucoma, among other things.
  • An overdose of this herb can cause dizziness, throat dryness, toxic and mental symptoms, and Erythema (Skin Reddening).

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