Latakaranja, kalarchikai, Fever nut (Caesalpinia Crista)

Lata karanja is a ten-meter-long woody vine or thorny shrub. Latakaranja leaves are bi-pinnate, alternating, and frequently around one meter long. The rachis is equipped with strong, sharp, recurved spines. The leaflets are also 4-6 in number, oblong, hairy, and 2 to 5 cm long. The flowers are simple or panicled racemes, axillary, and one centimeter long. They have a yellow tint. Latakaranja fruits are rectangular, inflated pods 5 to 7 cm long, covered in thin spines, and contain one or two seeds. The seeds are big, hairy, glossy, spherical or oval, and grey.

There are two types of Lata Karanja, which are mentioned below.:-

  1.  Caesalpinia Crista
  2. Caesalpinia bonduc

General Information

Latakaranja is a significant herb in Ayurveda medicine. The Latakanja This herb's seeds have an odd characteristic in that they rapidly get hot when they are brushed across a rough surface. This herb works pretty well for treating malaria. It is regarded as an excellent herb for treating spasms. This plant works well for treating a variety of fevers. Every portion of the plant, including the bark, seeds, roots, and leaves, has medicinal qualities. In addition to being used as a uterine stimulant to clean the uterus, this herb is also utilized in the treatment of a number of health complications, including pulmonary TB, menstrual complaints, pneumonia, malaria, and intermittent fever. This herb contains a variety of phytochemical substances, including sitosterol, phytosterol, heptocosanc, bonbucin, caesalpins, and caesalpin - baunducellineetc.


  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Phylum: Magnoliophyta
  • Class: Angiospermae
  • Order: Fabales
  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Genus: Caesalpinia
  • Species: Crista


It can be found from India and Sri Lanka to Queensland, New Caledonia, the Ryukyu Islands, and most of Southeast Asia. It is grown throughout the eastern and southern regions of India, particularly in the hills, forests, and sea coast. It can be found in all of India's temperate to hot regions.


  • Latin name: Caesalpinia Crista
  • English name:  Fever nut, Nicker tree, Bonduct nut
  • Hindi name: Kantakareja
  •  Tamil name:   Kazhar Shikkay, Kalichchikkai
  • Bengali name: Natakani
  • Telgu name: Gachchakaya
  • Malayalam name: Kalanchikkru

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Tikta, Kashaya

Bitter, Astringent

Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Rooksha

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

All three doshas—pitta, kapha, and vata—are balanced by it.

Latakaranja Uses

  • Antimalarial activity - It is well known that using this herb to treat malaria works well. It aids in the management of malaria symptoms such as high fever, sweating, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, and moderate to severe chills.
  • Anthelmintic – This herb's anti-parasitic qualities work wonders in forcing helminthes and other internal parasites out of the body. Use this herb if it effectively combats flukes, tapeworms, and roundworms in the body. Additionally, this is quite helpful in managing the symptoms of the worm infestation, such as diarrhea, anemia, and liver and lung diseases.
  • Anti-spasmodic property - This plant eases tense muscles and inhibits spasms. Consciously controlled contractions of smooth muscles, such as those lining the stomach, result in cramps, spasms, and pain in the abdomen. This plant treats cramps that are unique to particular muscles and organs throughout the body. Numerous of these herbs can relieve psychological strain by acting on the central nervous system.
  • Anti-oxidants – The herb's antioxidant qualities lessen oxidative stress in the body and aid in counteracting the effects of free radicals. As a result, this herb guards the body against many illnesses and strengthens the immune system.
  • Anti-diabetic - Packed with anti-diabetic qualities, this herb supports the body's ability to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Additionally, using this herb to treat diabetes symptoms like increased urination, exhaustion, weight loss, excessive thirst, hazy vision, and sluggish wound healing is also quite beneficial.
  • Immunostimulant – Additionally, this herb has immunostimulant qualities that aid in the stimulation of T cells, B cells, monocytes, and macrophages, among other immune system components.
  • Antipyretic - Its use is particularly beneficial in treating fever because it is an antipyretic herb.
  • Anti-inflammatory activity – This herb's potent anti-inflammatory qualities aid in relieving physical discomfort.
  • Memory Enhancer - This plant is very effective in managing mental illnesses and improving memory. Simply said, it promotes optimal brain health. This plant is used to treat a variety of neurological conditions, including Parkinson's disease, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Anxiolytic Activity – This herb's anxiolytic properties are highly effective in lowering anxiety, tension, stress, and depression.
  • Respiratory complications -Additionally beneficial for treating respiratory issues like cough, dyspnea, pneumonia, and tuberculosis is the use of this herb. It facilitates the removal of mucus from air passages.
  • Menstrual problems - Additionally, this herb aids in the treatment of menstrual problems such as irregular menstrual cycles, heavy or light blood flow, nausea, and abdominal pain.
  • Skin diseases - Treatment for skin conditions such as leprosy, psoriasis, scabies, and eczema can be greatly aided by this plant. It aids with skin healing. Additionally, it relieves burning, redness, and itching.

Parts Used

Root bark, Leaf, Seeds


5–10 ml of Latakaranja leaf juice.

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