Mango (Mangifera indica)

Who doesn't enjoy mangoes in all of their forms—in smoothies, dishes, and desserts? The situation of a family member who is allergic to this wonderful fruit is difficult for me to comprehend. I have emphasized the wonderful deliciousness of the rich flavor of mango fruit in its various stages by taking this example a little too literally. There are various sections of this plant that have various uses. Nearly all plant parts, including the pulp, bark, leaves, roots, fruits, and seeds, are utilized medicinally.

As "aam" is widely known in Hindi, it is botanically Mangifera indica. This tree is a member of the family Anacardiaceae. Let's examine some of Aam's incredible medicinal properties now. Mangiferin, homonangiferin, indicenol, and mangiferolic acid are abundant in mango leaves and bark. Tinctures, flavonoids, steroids, cardiac glycosides, alkaloids, and carbohydrates are all present in young leaves.

Description of Plant

The mango tree is an evergreen, upright tree that can reach a height of 20 to 45 meters. Its sturdy trunk and oval, upright crown have a dome form. Mango trees have a lengthy lifespan—between 250 and 300 years—and produce fruit. This tree's linear, oblong, lanceolate, elliptical, pointed leaves are arranged in a spiral pattern on branches and offer a calming scent. There are over 3000 panicles with flowers of red, yellow, and green hues. This shrub produces big drupes that vary in size and shape. Ripe fruits with a yellowish green color and a solitary seed with a thick yellow flesh. The seed is single, oblong, and coated in a hard coating.


The mango originated in South Asia and has been farmed for thousands of years. It is found all over the world in warm, tropical and subtropical regions. India and China are the two countries that cultivate the majority of the world's mango crop. Additionally, South Korea, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Central America, and West and Central Africa are home to it. This fruit is also susceptible to many other diseases.


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Order - Sapindales
  • Family - Anacardiaceae

Common Synonyms of Mangifera indica

  • English name - Mango
  • Hindi name - Aam
  • Sanskrit name - Parapushta, Pikabandhava, Aamra, Sahakara, Madhavadrum, Bhringabeeshta, Rasala, Madhuphala, Madhuli etc.

This plant has many more synonyms assigned to it in recognition of the many medical advantages it provides to humans.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)



Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

Vata dosha is balanced with ripe fruit. The pitta and kapha doshas are balanced by other elements.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita



  • Hridya - Herbs beneficial for the heart.
  • Chardinigrahana - Anti-emetic herbs
  • Purish Sangrahniya - Herbs to improve the bulk of feces.
  • Mutar Sangrahniya – using herbs to increase the volume of urine.

Nyargodhadi group.

Nyargodhadi group

Amaradi group

Practical Uses of Mango

Like any other fruit or plant part, mango fruit passes through distinct stages of growth. However, at each stage, it exhibits unique qualities that, with careful understanding, can have a variety of medical uses.

Unripe Mango 

Dry, Pungent, astringent, and sour to taste; it also balances the doshas of pitta and vata. It works wonders for anorexia and taste. These sour, Unripe mangoes are typically used to make mango pickles, which are delicious appetizers in Indian cuisine.

Sour Mango

Owing to its intensely sour taste, it is believed to worsen blood diseases such as raktapitta (gout), bleeding, and menstrual disturbances.

  • It is heart-healthy and enhances kapha.
  • improves skin tone and color and reduces anorexia and throat problems.
  • Additionally, sour mangos strengthen muscles and are a fantastic immune system builder.

Sweet Mango 

This is the optimum stage of mango fruit for balancing vata diseases, such as neuralgia, constipation, paralysis, and bloating, with a taste that is mostly sweet and slightly astringent.

  • It is healthy for the body and a little heavy to digest.
  • In addition to being a powerful aphrodisiac, sweet mango boosts strength and immunity.
  • All in all, the body feels deeply nourished and soothed by it.
  • Because of its astringent qualities, the bark of the mango tree is beneficial for kapha and pitta diseases.
  • This tree's roots are used to cure diarrhea and IBS.
  • Similar effects are also seen in young mango leaves.
  • The flowers are beneficial for gastrointestinal issues, anorexia, diarrhea, and IBS, among other conditions. They can also be used to naturally purify blood. It helps with diabetes and UTIs as well.
  • Milk and ripe mangos make a fantastic aphrodisiac combination.
  • Similar to this, a variety of meals and recipes that may be used to treat a wide range of health issues can be made using the basic components of the mango tree that have been stated above.
  • Oral health concerns are treated with mango oil.
  • Applying mango pieces externally can speed up the healing of wounds and stop bleeding from recent trauma.


  • Damaged digestive system
  • Persistent, chronic fever
  • Disorders of the skin and blood
  • Bloating and constipation
  • Eye diseases

Part Used

  • Stem bark
  • Leaf
  • Flower
  • Seed kernel


  • Decoction - 50 -100 ml.
  • Seed Powder - 3 - 6 gm.
  • Fresh Juice - 10 - 20 ml.

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