- Herbal Antimicrobial supplement for skin diseases.
- Powerful antioxidants.
- Stimulates collagen production.
- Natural Blood purifier.
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Neem in Ayurveda is an important tonic for the skin. There is a lot of scientific research done on the antibacterial properties of Neem which help cure skin diseases. Neem also improves immunity, it is blood-purifying and anti-allergic.
It has properties like Blood purifying, detoxifier, analgesic, wound healing, inflammation reduction, anti-bacterial, and strengthens the immune system. Neem has, for centuries, been believed to be anthelmintic, anti-fungal, anti-diabetic, antibacterial, and antiviral; a household medicine in traditional Indian families to date. It is light, dry, Bitter – Astringent in Rasa / Taste with Pungent Vipaka and cold Veerya. Ayurveda is considered it one of the best Bitter herbs with effectiveness in Skin diseases.
Neem absorbs moisture as a result of which it reduces the oiliness of the skin thus reducing the incidence of acne. It also helps cleanse the gut by promoting the excretion of worms and bacteria from the gut.
Neem relieves tiredness and is antipyretic and anti-coughing. Its efficacy in skin conditions is unmatchable and relieves itching in dermatitis and infections.
Ingredient :
- Neem (Azadirachta Indica) extract,
- Neem powder.
Dosage :
1 tablet Twice a day or as prescribed by your health practitioner
Indications :
- Herbal Antimicrobial supplement for skin diseases.
- Powerful antioxidants.
- Improves and maintains the elasticity of the skin.
- Stimulates collagen production.
- Boosts immune system.
- Natural Blood purifier.
- Stimulate healthy hair growth by counteracting dandruff.
Contra-Indications :
To be avoided in dry skin and chronic constipation.