Bhumyamalaki Powder (Phyllanthus niruri)

Hepatoprotector and Liver health promoter (4Oz / 114Gm)

Ayurvedic Bulk Herbs in Canada & USA
SKU: AM2005

  • Promotes Gut health.
  • Rejuvenates the liver in cases of Jaundice, Hepatosplenomegaly.
  • In cases of long-standing anemia, it helps the liver heal and promotes iron uptake of cells in the body.
  • A natural wormicide in kids.



Stimulates appetite, prevents nausea and vomiting, and is antitoxic, relieves cough, breathing difficulties, improves muscle strength, and relieves sore throat. Bhumyamalaki is the main ingredient in all conditions involving Pitta dosha, as it directly acts on the liver and spleen and has a great effect on balancing the immune system. It helps the body fight frequent allergies by strengthening the mechanism of immunity and enhances gut health, thus, preventing autoimmune conditions in the body.

Rasa: Tikta, Kashaya, Madhura Guna-Laghu, Ruksha.

Veerya: Sheeta.

Vipaka: Madhura.

Karma: Kaphapitta Shamaka.

Ingredients : 
Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri)

Dosage : 
1/2 tsp: 1 tsp after meals with lukewarm water.

Indications :

  • Promotes Gut health.
  • Rejuvenates the liver in cases of Jaundice, Hepatosplenomegaly.
  • In cases of long-standing anemia, it helps the liver heal and promotes iron uptake of cells in the body.
  • A natural wormicide in kids.

Contra-indications :
It is not recommended to provide to Pregnant and breastfeeding women.

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