Punarnava Powder (Boerhavia diffusa)

Also known as Hogweed (4 Oz / 114 Gm)

Ayurvedic Bulk Herbs in Canada & USA
SKU: AM2026

  • Anti-inflammatory formula
  • Purifies blood, especially in women, and periodically rejuvenates their cells for long-term use.
  • Helps regularize the menstrual cycle.


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Counteracts inflammation in the body, reduces stress, and removes harmful oxidants that cause oxidative tissue damage.

Punarnava in Ayumantra's Pharmacy comes from the treasure herbs of sacred hills of India, blessed and cherished by the locals for its rejuvenating qualities. Known to be helpful in several health conditions, this herb is the best remedy for stress, insomnia, certain skin diseases, ulcers, and more physical and mental problems that occur in the human body.

The herb also has anti-inflammatory properties and is used as an antioxidant to get rid of impurities from the body. Punarnava is a recommended remedy for abdominal tumors and pain. It is widely used by people suffering from arthritis and urinary problems as well. As this one herb is good to be used for several health problems it is necessary to speak to an expert before consumption. There are stories that in ancient times, the tribal people used Punarnava to hasten childbirth and to restore virility in men.

Rasa - Madhura, Tikta, Kashaya.

Guna - Laghu, Ruksha.

Virya - Ushna.

Vipaka - Madhura.

Dosha karma - Tridosha Ghana.

Ingredient :
Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)

Dosage :
Take ¼ - ½ teaspoon of Punarnava Churna along with cow’s milk or honey once or twice a day.

Indications :

  • Anti-inflammatory formula
  • Relieves from skin diseases, ulcers, and night blindness. Helpful during insomnia and mental fatigue.
  • Purifies blood, especially in women, and periodically rejuvenates their cells for long-term use.
  • Helps regularize the menstrual cycle.
  • Helps balance hormones in men and women.

Contra-indications :

Punarnava is not recommended for those who are pregnant or nursing, or for children under the age of 12.

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