Quick Insights:
Amnesia is a neurodegenerative disease. This disorder leads to total oblivion. People forget faces, names, figures, and events.
What Causes Amnesia?
Trauma, infection, ailment, and consumption of alcohol or drugs are the significant reasons for Amnesia.
Some useful remedies you can do at home for Amnesia:
Almonds are packed with nutrients. Eat 6-8 soaked almonds every morning on an empty stomach for a healthier brain.
2. MILK:
The nutrients and calcium in milk improve brain function. Drinking a glass of milk every night can cure amnesia. Add almonds for more added benefits.
Berries are rich in nutrients that prevent memory loss. It is advisable to include berries in your daily breakfast. Berries may include strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.
Apples are packed with vitamins and minerals. They are rich in potassium. This is highly effective in treating amnesia. Eat one apple every day.
You can pair the fruit with one glass of hot almond milk.
Citrus fruits like oranges have been known to be an excellent source of vitamin C.
They play an important role in proper brain functioning, boosting memory, and preventing amnesia.
Walnuts are known to improve memory. They are rich in nutrients and must be consumed regularly to treat amnesia.
Know More:
Work out daily, meditate, stay active, and have abundant water. Eat healthy and get 7 hours of sleep.
Practicing a healthy lifestyle will prevent amnesia.