The pancreas is the organ that fights off the toxins present in the body, thus preventing various infections. It also regulates the digestive system and produces insulin hormones. The pancreas is tiny in size, but it is significant for digestion and hormone-producing glands of the whole body.
The redness, swelling, and burning of the pancreas is called Pancreatitis. As per Ayurveda, the imbalance between Pitta & Vata causes the digestive system to deteriorate which can also have a chronic impact. A weak pancreas can be the cause of diabetes and digestive disorders.
Some useful remedies you can do at home for Acute Pancreatitis:
Turmeric has anti-microbial and antioxidant properties and these can be beneficial when dealing with pancreatitis. Curcumin, an ingredient of Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming turmeric reduces inflammation and restores the health of the pancreas.
Gooseberry is rich in Vitamin C and anti-oxidant properties. As per research consuming Gooseberry regularly balances the pancreas and prevents pancreatitis.
This herb is a great remedy for mending the damaged pancreas, especially because it eradicates cancer cells. Dandelion tea is amazing in throwing out the poisons from the bowel and helps in amending the health of formerly damaged pancreatic tissues.
Spinach boosts your wellness and helps treat plenty of ailments. It is proven to be rich in iron and vitamin B.
Yogurt is certifiably low in fats and a befitting source of probiotics. The good bacteria in Yoghurt boosts immunity and the digestive system performs appropriately.
Sweet Potato controls the sugar levels in the body. It facilitates the release of sugar slowly thus helping the pancreas stay healthy.
Consuming peeled and chopped garlic with lemon and honey water gives you the most benefits.
Olives are a great blood detoxifier. Olive leaves are vastly anti-inflammatory. It reduces the ache and lump of the pancreas, making it revive from its woes If consumed regularly.
In Ayurveda, Grahani (seat of Agni - fire), is the name given to the pancreas.
Maintaining a sattvik diet has several health benefits. Include organic vegetables, fruits, yogurt, lentils, beans, and dairy products in your daily lifestyle. Avoid alcohol consumption.