
A skin condition known as urticaria causes tiny skin bumps and red, itchy rashes to appear and spread. This could be the result of a medication or food allergy.

This illness is referred to as Sheetapitta in Ayurveda. There are two varieties: acute, which lasts less than six weeks, and chronic, which lasts more than six weeks. There are numerous approaches to managing, relieving, and curing Urticaria.

Some effective Home Remedies for Urticaria


Apple cider vinegar has been utilized for numerous home treatments for many years due to its amazing health advantages. Histamine, a dangerous substance released into the bloodstream by skin tissues in cases of urticaria, exacerbates allergic reactions in the skin. Because of its antihistamine qualities, apple cider vinegar helps us avoid having such allergic reactions on our skin..

  • Mix one cup of warm water with one spoonful of apple cider vinegar. Every morning on an empty stomach, drink it with a few drops of honey added.

  • You can also submerge your body in a mixture of water and ACV. For this, fill a bathtub halfway full of lukewarm water and add one to two cups of apple cider vinegar. Once a day, immerse your body for 20 to 25 minutes.


With its potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal qualities, aloe vera is a useful herb for treating urticaria. It provides a cooling effect and maintains your skin soft and smooth.

Aloe vera has greasy, sticky, and slimy properties in addition to having a bitter flavor and a cold potency, according to Ayurvedic medicine. All three doshas (kapha, pitta, and vata) are balanced by this herb. Aloe vera leaves are rich in phytochemicals that help get rid of pale-red, swollen lumps on the skin.

  • After applying the fresh aloe vera gel to the affected regions and letting it sit for ten to fifteen minutes, rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Use this remedy four to five times per day.


This herb has high concentrations of linalol, rosmarinic acid, eugenol, and ursolic acid. Basil contains ursolic acid, which aids in boosting ceramides and collagen, two substances essential for skin renewal and the elimination of redness and itching. Its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, and antioxidant qualities are excellent. This herb is pungent, bitter in flavor, dry in properties, and potently hot from a therapeutic standpoint.

  • Place a few dried holy basil leaves in a hot water container. Give it ten to fifteen minutes. Then, apply this combination to the skin's affected region using cotton balls or a cotton towel.
  • Applying a thick paste made from fresh basil leaves to your skin and letting it dry before rinsing it off with cool water is another option.


Ginger helps relieve a number of symptoms, including diarrhea, cramps, bloating, and gas. Due to its medicinal traits, which include being hot in potency, heavy, powerful, and dry in taste, as well as balancing the kapha dosha, ginger is considered to have many benefits in Ayurveda medicine.

  • Combine a small amount of finely chopped ginger, ¼ cup brown sugar, and a few drops of apple cider vinegar.
  • Put one cup of water on to boil them all.
  • Using cotton balls, strain the solution and apply it to the skin's affected region.


Because of its many beneficial Ayurvedic characteristics, turmeric has been utilized in Ayurveda for a very long time. Turmeric has a variety of active ingredients, the most significant of which is curcumin, one of the curcuminoids that help treat urticaria. Turmeric has fiery, spicy, and pungent flavors that are followed by dryness, lightness, and bitterness in its medicinal benefits. Every one of our body's three doshas is balanced by turmeric. Its anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and antioxidant qualities help treat a variety of skin conditions, such as urticaria and hives.

  • Mix one cup of lukewarm water with one spoonful of turmeric powder, then drink the mixture twice a day.
  • Turmeric should be a regular ingredient in your diet.



Treating Urticaria can benefit from this herb's strong calming and cooling effects. This herb has antibacterial, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory qualities in addition to these. It lessens urticaria's symptoms, including redness, swelling, itching, and skin infections. Ayurvedic theory states that pungent mint (Pudina) has a strong, dry, and light flavor, is hot in potency, and balances the vitiated vata and kapha doshas.

  • For five minutes, bring one cup of water and one tablespoon of powdered mint leaves to a boil.
  • After straining, let it cool in the fridge for a while. Use this solution to wash your skin three to four times a day if it is sensitive and inflamed.


Superb for feeding and revitalizing, nettle is a superb herb for relieving urticaria or hives. This herb is high in minerals including calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur, as well as bioactive compounds like phenols and vitamins A, C, D, and K. Its astringent and anti-inflammatory qualities relieve itching, swelling, and inflammation.

Drink this tea two to three times a day by adding a tablespoon of dried nettle leaf to a cup of boiling water, leting it steep for five to ten minutes, straining it, and adding a few drops of honey.



For the Urticaria condition, all of the above-mentioned home treatments work best. You can also experiment with colloidal oatmeal, baking soda, and cold compress home cure in addition to these. You can lessen the severity of your urticaria with the use of these DIY cures.