Agastya (Sesbania grandiflora)

Initial Thoughts:

Agastya is a soft-wooded tree that can reach heights of 3 to 8 meters.

Regular, deciduous leaves are spherical, abruptly pinnate, and 15–30 cm long, with 10–20 leaflets.

This plant produces red and white flowers depending on the species.

The boat-shaped blooms of the Agastya tree are long, contain 2-4 flower racemes, and are shallowly 2-lipped.

In the months of September and October, the plant blooms. Fruit pods have 15–30 seeds inside and are falcate and around 30 cm long.

General information:

In Hindi, the Agastya plant is also referred to as the "Agathi" plant.

We can use every part of this plant for medicinal purposes. Cooks can use the flowers, pods, and leaves to create delectable dishes.

The Agastya plant's wood is employed in household construction.

Its consistency is similar to bamboo since bamboo is frequently used as a replacement for it while building furniture.

The plant is known as "Agastya" because, according to Ayurveda, its blossoms bloom on the Agastya star day of Sharad Ritu (October).

Another theory holds that it was given the name "Agathi" in honor of a well-known seer who performed Ayurvedic Rasayana treatments in the lovely home of the Himalayas.

According to legend, he held a special place in his heart for this plant, which bears his name.

This plant's lovely blossoms are also offered to Lord Shiva as offerings.

Overall, it has a very calming impact on the body and aids in controlling tension and anxiety.

Within three days, the juice of this plant can aid in the purification of diamonds.


It is a native plant to North America and Malaysia. It can also be found in most humid tropical places across the world.

Additionally, it is grown in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, and the Philippines.

Agastya is frequently grown alongside guinea grass and in the spaces between rice fields.


  • Kingdom: Plantae

  • Order: Fabales

  • Family: Fabaceae

Names of Agastya:

  • English name: Agathi, West Indian Tree, Vegetable Hummingbird, Flamingo Bill, White Dragon tree, Swamp pea, Sesban, Tree bean, Large-flowered Agato, Brede

  • Hindi name: Aghastya, Agast, Hathya, Basna, Bakpushpa, Vakrapushpa, Agasi, Chogachi

  • Sanskrit name: Vangasena, Agasti, Agastya

  • Bengali name: Olatkaombol, Bak

  • Tamil name: Sivappututti, Agati

  • Kannada name: Agase, Agache, Kempagase

  • Malayalam name: Aagatti, Atti, Akatti

  • Oriya name: Agastee

  • Gujarati name: Agathiyo, Ayathio

  • Pilipino name: Gauai-gauai

  • French name: Pois valette

  • Nepali name: Agasti

  • Sinhala name: Kathuru

  • Cambodian name: Angkea day

  • Botanical name: Sesbania grandiflora

Ayurvedic Properties:


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Ruksha

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas:

It helps maintain balance in the Kapha and Pitta doshas.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita



In Charak Samhita, not mentioned

Saka Varga

Kumbha Yoni

Pushpa Varga, Saka varga

Rajnighantu believes that Agastya comes in four different types based on the color of the flowers:

  1. Lohita Agastya (red flowers)

  2. Peeta Agastya (yellow flowers)

  3. Neel Agastya (blue flowers)

  4. Sita Agastya (white flowers)

Practical uses:

  • The plant's blossoms have an astringent effect on the body and a bitter flavor. Intermittent fever, night blindness, rhinitis, runny nose, abdominal pain, and many forms of liver and spleen diseases can all be treated with it.

  • If there is chronic toxicity brought on by bad dietary habits over time, it might be utilized to detoxify the body.

  • Agastya plant leaves are non-slimy, bitter, and have a hot potency. These can successfully balance kapha dosha despite being difficult to digest.

  • In cases of worm infestations and bleeding conditions like menorrhagia and ulcerative colitis, the leaves are beneficial. These also have the ability to be tonic for the body.

  • Fruits called Agastya are excellent for balancing pitta dosha. It promotes weight loss and supports the treatment of abdominal malignancies. Additionally, they aid in increasing intelligence and memory.

  • While the flowers aid in treating diarrhea, the bark helps to manage IBS symptoms and improves low digestive strength and constipation.

  • The plant's bark and roots are also applied topically to the body.

  • The leaves' juicy essence can be used as Nasya to treat epilepsy and upper respiratory tract diseases with a Kapha dominance.

  • You can use leaf paste to treat throat and mouth issues.

  • To treat gout and arthritis pain and inflammation, the root bark is applied topically. Rheumatism is treated using the paste of the red flower Agastya.

  • For people with epilepsy, Nasya uses a leaf juice extract.

Ayurvedic products:

Agastya haritaki avleha

Recent Research:

It has qualities that are both anti-anxiolytic and anti-proliferative (against human cancer cells).

Parts used:

  • Whole plant

  • Flowers

  • Tender fruits

  • Bark

  • Leaves


  • Flower: 5 - 10g.

  • Leaf juice: 10 - 20 ml.

  • Decoction: 50 - 100 ml.