Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna)

One of the most well-known plants in use today is arjuna. It is a helpful herbal remedy for heart issues in Ayurveda because of its numerous potent medical applications, particularly for the heart and circulation system.

We are all aware that the plant's reddish bark is mostly beneficial. Despite the fact that other portions of this magnificent tree are also medicinally useful.

It is a member of the Combretaceae subfamily Harar. The botanical name of the plant is Terminalia arjuna.


The Arjun tree is a large-sized deciduous evergreen with incredibly robust and extensive roots. This tree can grow to a height of 70 to 85 feet. It features smooth, grey bark, yellow blooms, and conical leaves. It produces glabrous, fibrous, woody fruit that is 2-3 cm long, has five hard wings, and has numerous curving veins. Leaves have a pale brown underside and a dull green top. Arjuna's fruit ripens from September to November, and its flowers bloom from March to June. Other species like Arjuna that can be found in India include Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, etc.

Special Note about this Plant

Arjuna is one of the most revered and holy trees in India. On holy days, Lord Vishnu and Ganesh poojas employ the leaves and blooms of this tree. Due to its diverse medicinal characteristics, this herb has been employed in Ayurvedic preparations since ancient times.

A well-known cardiac tonic is Arjuna. It operates on the heart and the structures that are connected to it, such as the blood arteries that come from the heart, and facilitates their efficient coordination.

As we all know, stress has crept into our daily lives to the point where it is nearly impossible to get rid of it. In actuality, most of us have developed coping mechanisms.

Arjuna's unique effect on the heart aids in the prevention of heart issues brought on by stress. Additionally, it has a very positive impact on the hormone insulin, which benefits diabetic individuals.

Overall, it is a very effective antioxidant for the body and can slow down the physical changes brought on by aging.

The main chemical constituents

Arjunic and Arjunolic acids, Betullinic and Ellagic acids, Tannins, Arjunones, Arjunetin, Arjun glycosides 1 and 2, etc.

Other Names

  • English name – Arjun tree
  • Hindi name – Arjun
  • Sanskrit name – Phalguna, Kakubha, Dhavala, Nadisarja, Indradru, Virarksha, Partha, Dhoorta, Bhuruha, Shvetavahaa, Veerantaka, Pandava, Veeravruksha
  • Bengali Name - Arjun Gach
  • Gujrati Name - Sadado
  • Kannada Name – Neer matti, Holemaththi, Holedaasaala.
  • Tamil Name – Poomarudhu, Neelamarudhu.
  • Telugu Name – Tella Maddi
  • Malayalam Name- Adamboe, Manimaruthu, Chola, Poomaruthu, Venmaruthu
  • Marathi Name – Sadaru


The plant known as Arjuna is quite widespread in tropical areas of the world, particularly India. It is one of the few herbal remedies that has received approval from all medical disciplines, including functional medicine, homeopathy, Ayurveda, and modern medicine.

In recent years, substantial research has been done on its chemical components, which attests to the effects of this herb on the body that were understood by the vaidyas thousands of years ago.


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Order - Mrytales
  • Family - Combretaceae

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Ruksha

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances Pitta and Kapha doshas.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita

Kashaya Skandha - a group of astringent-tasting herbs.

Salasaradi, nyagrodhadi

Hridya - Herbs are used for heart problems.


Udarda Prashmana - Herbs that are beneficial for ringworm and allergic skin disorders.


Practical Uses

  1. The astringent qualities of arjuna aid in blood purification. Its homeostatic properties help to regulate aggravated pitta states and alleviate bleeding issues.
  2. The UTIs are treated with the help of this herb's all-around cleansing capabilities.
  3. It can be used to regulate a woman's hormonal cycle and support her uterus. Endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, and different hormonal disorders are also treated with it. Using this plant, excessive menorrhagia bleeding can be reduced.
  4. Arjuna maintains a healthy equilibrium of the kapha and pitta doshas in the body. This promotes the healing of wounds and ulcers.
  5. This herb's main function is to lower cholesterol. It helps control blood cholesterol levels and might be helpful for those with atherosclerosis, a condition in which cholesterol plaques clog arteries in one or more places.
  6. Additionally, it has therapeutic effects on the respiratory system. Because it aids the fight against major lung illnesses and maintains the health of the airways.
  7. Arjuna is a powerful Ayurvedic energy booster, that boosts stamina in the body so that people may perform more effectively without becoming overly worried or exhausted.
  8. Arjuna can be administered for all types of external and internal bleeding issues, as well as the disorders connected to them, due to its pitta-pacifying characteristics.
  9. Be it profuse bleeding from open wounds, menorrhagia, bleeding gums, etc.. Anyone with these ailments can be administered Arjuna.
  10. Arjuna extracts contain tannins that are particularly effective antioxidants for the body. The bark of the Arjuna tree contains a lot of Co-Q10, an essential nutrient for the heart muscles. It aids in heart stabilization in people who have angina or are at risk of developing it.
  11. The best treatment is to boil arjuna bark in milk. Additionally, it can be highly helpful for people with bone fractures. This tonic promotes quicker bone repair.
  12. It calms the pitta and kapha doshas.

Part Used



  • Arjun bark powder: 1–3 g, cooked in water or milk, two–three times a day.
  • Decoction: 50–100 ml.

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