Ashoka (Saracaasoca)

The Ashoka tree is one of the legendary sacred trees of India. Ashoka - means alleviator of sorrow. Ashoka's Latin name is Saracaasoca and it belongs to the Leguminosae family. It is commonly called a tree that is important to reduce your sorrows. This tree has great religious significance and is also worshiped by some people in parts of India. It is known as a "women's friend" because it is especially used to treat rakpradara (menorrhagia) and other female reproductive problems.

Regional Names of Ashoka

  • Hindi name - Ashoka
  • Bengali name – Ashoka
  • Tamil name - Asogam, Asogm, Malaikkarunai, Asogu, Asokam,Sasubam
  • Kannada name- Aksunkar, Ashokadamara, Achenge, Kankalimara
  • Telugu name – Asoka, Asokapatta
  • Malyalam name - Asokam
  • Assamese name-Ashoka
  • English name- Asoka
  • Arabic name – Shabuqa
  • Urdu name- Ashoka
  • Sinhalese – Diyaratambala,Asoka,Diyaratmal
  • Siddha - Asoku
  • Marathi name – Ashoka, Jasundi
  • Gujarati name-Asopllaka
  • Orissa name-ashoka
  • Kashmiri name- Ashok
  • Punjabi name- Ashok

Classification of Ashoka

  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Subkingdom - Tracheobionta
  • Superdivision - Spermatophyta
  • Division - Magnoliophyta
  • Class - Magnoliopsida
  • Subclass - Rosidae
  • Order - Fabales
  • Family – Leguminosae 
  • Subfamily - Caesalpinaceae
  • Genus - Saraca
  • Species - Asoca/ Indica

Classical Categorization of Ashoka

  • CHARAK SAMHITA - KashayaSkanda (herbs with an astringent flavor), Vedanasthapan (Herbs that are effective at reducing pain)
  • SUSHRUT SAMHITA - Lodhradigana
  • VAGBHATA - RodhradiVarga

Description of Ashoka Tree

The wonderful evergreen Ashoka tree is around 25 to 30 feet tall.

  • Bark –  Smooth, dark green to greenish grey lenticels with transverse ridges adorn the surface of the Ashoka tree's bark.
  • Leaves  Ashoka leaves are huge, spreading horizontally, alternating, paripinnate compound, stipulate, and dark green.2.5 inches wide and 3-6 inches long.
  • Flowers- Ashoka produces enormous clusters of fragrant, bisexual, regular orange blooms with 7-8 stamens.
  • Fruits– Ashoka fruit legumes have flat, tapering pods with 6–8 seeds that are smooth, leathery, and flat. around 12–20 cm long and 5 cm wide.
  • Seeds-  Ashoka seeds are 1.5 inches long and flat.


Ashoka (Saracaasoca) is a tree found in rain forests. It originated in South America and Asia. The Deccan plateau's core regions were where this tree was first found. It can also be found in the Eastern Himalayas, the Khasi, Garo, and Lushaj hills, as well as the Western Ghats of the Indian subcontinent. Every region of India and the other nations share Ashoka. It is easily accessible in West Bengal, Kerala, Maharashtra, and the states of Andhra Pradesh and Meghalaya in India.

Chemical Composition

Tannins, haematoxylin, flavonoids, steroid glycosides, saponins, volatile oil, catechol, carbonic calcium, iron, ketosterol, and numerous other steroidal glycosides are abundant in Ashoka Bark. Different types of carbohydrates, tannins, gallic acid, and egallic acid are present in Ashoka leaves. Saracasin, Saracadin, waxy compounds, proteins, carbohydrates, and steroids are all abundant in Ashoka Flowers. Oleic, linoleic, palmitic, and stearic acid are among the several fatty acids found in Ashoka Seeds.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Tikta, Kashaya 

Bitter, Astringent

Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Ruksha

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effect on Doshas

Ashoka balances Kapha and Pitta dosha

Ashoka Uses and Benefits

For diverse medical ailments, Ashoka can be taken in a number of different forms, including tablet, powder, juice, decoction, pill, and paste. In accordance with the situation, it can be applied both internally and outside.

  1. External Uses
    • Pain might be relieved by applying Ashoka paste locally to the afflicted area.
    • In addition, because it contains antidotal qualities, Ashoka paste is administered locally in cases of poisoning.
  2. Internal Uses
    • It is utilized in vata situations because it helps to relieve pain by working on the nerves.
    • With the use of Ashoka, common digestive issues like bloating, gas, burping, colicky abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, dysentery, and ascites can be eased.  
    • It is used to treat helminthiasis and to lessen thirst.
    • Ashoka blossoms contain astringent qualities that are helpful for hemoptysis, or internal bleeding.
    • Ashoka aids in the treatment of different blood diseases and oedematous situations in the body by regulating blood composition and stabilizing blood circulation, making blood optimally available to all body organs.
    • It is frequently used in females to regulate hormones and menstrual cycles. In females with menstrual abnormalities like dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia, it increases strength and stamina. Additionally helpful for leucorrhea.
    • Similar to Arjuna, Ashoka is a cardiac tonic that can be used as supportive therapy for patients with hypertension, circulation issues, edema, and congestive heart failure, among other conditions.
    • Its bark offers natural detoxifying capabilities that help keep the body free of toxins and enhance skin complexion.
    • Ashoka has cooling characteristics that are beneficial for easing burning discomfort and bringing down body temperature in cases of fever.
    • Ashoka seed powder works well for renal calculi and dysuria. It also stops calculi from reforming.

Part Used

The Ashoka parts utilized in the creation of medicine include –

  • Ashoka Bark
  • Ashoka Flowers
  • Ashoka Seeds


  • Syrup - 10 to 15 ml
  • Bark Decoction - 15 to 30 ml
  • Seed powder - 1 to 3 grams
  • Flower powder -1 to 3 grams

Easy ways to utilize at Home

It can be utilized in a variety of ways at home, including:-

  • A mixture of mishri and 1/2 teaspoon of powdered Ashoka bark aids in the treatment of leucorrhoea.
  • Due to its cold-potency, Ashoka bark powder can be used at home to treat fever.
  • It is helpful to take 1–2 teaspoons of Ashoka seed powder with water if you have frequent urination and renal calculi.
  • Approximately 20 to 30 ml of ground-up dried Ashoka blossoms mixed with water should be used twice a day to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetic individuals.
  • If you have scabies, atopic dermatitis, or eczema, you can apply Ashoka flower powder to your skin by combining it with coconut oil.
  • For certain fungal diseases, local use of a decoction of Ashoka blossoms, Hena leaves, and coconut oil is helpful.
  • In the event of skin infections, Ashoka bark can be used to wash the surface of the skin after being heated in water. 

Caution to Be Taken

  • It should only be taken during pregnancy, nursing, and with children after consulting a doctor.
  • Raj Nighantu claims that it has a cardiotonic effect, however, it should only be used for cardiac conditions under a doctor's care.
  • Ashoka should only be taken in the recommended measured dose because an overdose can cause constipation.

Ayurvedic Classical formulation

  • Chandanaditailam
  • NyagrodhadiKashayam
  • Ashokarishta
  • Ashokaghrita
  • Ashokakshirpak

Ayumantra Ayurveda's Product

1. Ashoka Ghan Tablets (Saraca Indica)

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