Kasani / Chicory (Cichorium intybus)

Chicory was historically cultivated in Egypt as a medicinal plant and has both healing and natural qualities. The ancient Egyptians used a lot of chicory because they thought it cleansed the liver and blood, but other cultures have also used it to treat conditions described as "passions of the heart." The juice is utilized as a treatment for tumors and uterine cancer. The widely available root stems, and tea are used in South Africa to treat jaundice, and chicory syrup is given to infants as a tonic and purifying remedy. An ointment made from leaves is applied to wounds in Turkey. Chicory roots have a long history of use in Europe for the short-symptom relief of moderate digestive issues such as bloating, slow digestion, flatulence, and transient appetite loss. Afghanistan uses aqueous root extracts as a light-sensitive plant treatment for malaria. The chicory plant's blossoms are used to treat cuts, bruises, gastroenteritis, gallstones, and nasal issues. Additionally, it serves as decoration. Since chicory seeds are the main component of Liver Detox Formula, Jigrine, and Liv52, it is used in India to treat a variety of liver ailments. Due to its ability to treat various skin and other body parts maladies, chicory is still a well-known herbal treatment. It tastes like chocolate but doesn't contain any caffeine. It is used to replace coffee. Chicory root, when added to coffee, aids in digestion and counteracts the effects of caffeine.

Description of the Plant

The chicory plant grows in temperate regions of the world and is grown in numerous nations. It is a perennial herb with large base leaves and smaller higher leaves. It is upright, woody, and grows to a height of about 1 m. The fleshy taproot can be up to 75 cm long. Throughout both the vegetative and reproductive growth stages, it can be found in high-temperature zones. The flowers on it are azure blue. It has roots that look like dandelion plants. Prior to the plant blooming, the root stump is dug out.

Tap roots are the plant portion that is used the most frequently. The root is dark on the outside and fleshy, tapered, longitudinally wrinkled, and wrinkled. The root has a mucilaginous and bitter flavor.

Botanical Description

Roots are thick, tapering, 1-3 long, grooved and angled stems, inflexible, spreading branches, and hispid, oblong-lanceolate, upper cordate, and lexical leaves with beneath-leaf nerves. The involucre bracts are herbaceous, the head is 1-1/2" in diameter, and the ligules are vivid blue, infrequently white or pink.

The dried fruit and seed is brownish-yellow in color, measuring 1-3 mm in length, 1-2 mm in breadth, and 1 mm in thickness. It has a distinctive smell and is triangular in shape.

Scientific Classification

  • Latin name - Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum Hegi
  • Family - Asteraceae ⁄ Compositae - Aster family
  • Kingdom - Plantae - Plants
  • Subkingdom - Tracheobionta - Vascular plants
  • Division - Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
  • Class - Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
  • Order - Asterales
  • Genus - Cichorium L. - Chicory
  • Species - Cichorium intybus L. - Chicory
  • Cichorium intybus L. var. sativum (Bisch.) Janch.


The plant is indigenous to temperate regions of the world and can be found in Andhra Pradesh's and Punjab's wild areas. Additionally, it is grown in Kerala, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Bihar.

The United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Europe, the Netherlands, Germany, and South Africa are the top producers of chicory. It is found in Punjab, Karnataka, Maharashtra, North-West India, and Andhra Pradesh in India.

Its seeds are sown in India between March and April in hills and between October and November in plains.


  • Ayurvedic - Kasni, Hinduba, Kasni
  • English - Chicory, Indian Endive
  • Indian local name - Banya Kaasnee
  • Trade name - Chickory
  •  Gujarati, Hindi, Bengali - Hinduba, Kashi, Kaasni, Kssni
  • Unani - Kaasani Dashti (Barri)
  • Siddha - Kasinikkeerai
  • Punjabi - Gul, hand, kasni, suchal
  • Tamil - Kasinivirai, Kashni
  • Telugu - Cicori, Kasini, Vittulu
  • Urdu - Kasani

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Rooksha

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)




  • It calms the Kapha and Pitta doshas.
  • provides pain, burning, and digestive swelling relief.
  • Has a sedative effect
  • Deepana (increases appetite but does not aid in food digestion)
  • beneficial for hearts and heart conditions
  • Diuretic


Inulin, coumarins (chicoriin, esculetin, esculin, umbelliferone, and scopoletin), sesquiterpene, lactones (including lactucin and lactucopicrin), and a number of glucofructosans are all present in chicory plant. The plant's leaves include potassium nitrate as well as sodium, magnesium, potassium sulphates and phosphates. Additionally, it includes cichorine, a bitter glycoside.

Only citric and tartaric acids are present in raw chicory root, whereas acetic, lactic, pyruvic, pyromucic, palmitic, and tartaric acids are present in roasted chicory root. A seed's oil content is 4.7%, its fatty acid makeup is 21.7% saturated and 78.3% unsaturated, according to analysis.

Medicinal Properties of Chicory

  • Abortifacient - This leads to abortion.
  • Antimicrobial - active against microorganisms that cause sickness.
  • Anthelmintic - remove helminthes, or parasitic worms, and other internal parasites from the body that lead to various infections
  • Analgesic - it relieves pain and acts as an analgesic
  • Antiulcer - It helps in healing ulcers.
  • Antimalarial - beneficial in preventing malaria.
  • Ant diabetic - controls blood sugar levels in the body.
  • Cholagogue - encourages the liver to eliminate bile, clearing it in a downward direction
  • Anti-inflammatory action - it reduces inflammation in the body.
  • Hepatoprotective - It protects the liver from damage and enhances its ability to function.
  • Diuretic property -  encouraging the outflow of urine and functioning as an agent that increases the volume of urine produced. 
  • Demulcent - reducing skin discomfort or inflammation
  • Emmenagogue - It leads women's uteruses and pelvic regions to have increased blood flow.
  • Gastro protective - It protects gastric mucosa and prevents gastritis.
  • Hypoglycemic - helps in reducing blood sugar levels.
  • Hypocholesterolemic - keeps the heart healthy and lowers the cholesterol level.
  • Hypolipidemic - lipid-lowering
  • Laxative action - attempting to encourage or assist the bowel movement. therefore beneficial for constipation.
  • Sedative - encouraging peacefulness or stimulating sleep. Has a body-sedating effect.
  • Tonic - maintains or enhances health or well-being 

Health Benefits of Chicory

The herb chicory has been used to tone up the liver and as a liver tonic. It causes the liver to have a more stable temperament and enhances liver function. It works well for treating hepatitis, jaundice, liver congestion, liver enlargement, and other spleen and liver conditions.

  • It stimulates the liver and guards against cirrhosis and congestion.
  • It increases bile production and flow.
  • It purifies and gets rid of toxins from the kidney and bladder.
  • The roots of Kasni decrease inflammation and eliminate any impediment, including thick or sticky secretions.
  • It promotes kidney and urine output.
  • It includes up to 40% insulin, which is excellent for those with diabetes because it barely affects blood sugar.
  • The juice from the leaves reduces fever and aids in blood purification.
  • It contains anti-arthritic, antispasmodic, anti-arteriosclerosis, digestive, and depurative actions.
  • Its cooling properties help to lower body heat and excessive body temperatures.
  • It relieves constipation and acts as a moderate laxative.

Dosage of Chicory

  • Powder of seeds - 3-6 grams
  • Leaf juice extract - 12-24 ml
  • Root powder - 3-6 gram

Side Effects

  • It is secure for usage by people.
  • More than 100 g may result in mild bradycardia or irregular heart rhythm.
  • You shouldn't take this if you have a chicory sensitivity.
  • Children and pregnant women should use it under a doctor's supervision.
  • Since it induces menstruation and has emmenagogue effects, pregnancy is not the appropriate time to use it.

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