Katak / Clearing Nut (Strychnos Potatorum)

The world's oldest scientific discipline, Ayurveda, assists the human body in regaining its vigor and promoting longevity through appropriate care. Many years ago, the rishi-munis constructed this route in a variety of treatises and manuscripts that encompass a range of modes and means, including nutritious food, a balanced herbal medicine cabinet, and a healthy lifestyle. According to Ayurveda, certain facts should be upheld by appropriate phenomena in order to achieve holistic health. Ayurveda maintains that homeostasis in the body can only be reached by keeping the body, mind, and soul in harmony with the environment and with nature. Many different kinds of ailments are treated with various herbs as medications. Ayurveda is a science that helps treat diseases from the ground up as well as treating their symptoms. It strengthens our bodies, reduces stress, combats a variety of illnesses, including pandemics, and has restorative qualities. We'll talk about the amazing herb katak and its many health-promoting qualities in this article.

General Information

Katak, also known as Clearing Nut in English, is a herb that is used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including eye diseases, anorexia, diarrhea, renal calculi, and many more. Its botanical name is Strychonas potatorum. The plant known as Nirmali in Hindi, Titan-kothayi in Tamil, Chillachetu in Telugu, and Nirmali in Punjabi is well-known. In South India and Eastern India, it is widely distributed. Due to its many amazing health advantages, this plant is significant in the Ayurvedic system. Because of its therapeutic qualities for both Kapha and Vata dosha shamak, it is utilized in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of ailments.

Systemic Classification

  • Botanical Name - Strychnos potatorum
  • Family - Loganiaceae
  • Genus - Strychnos
  • Species - S. potatorum


  • Payahprasadi - It is primarily used to filter water.
  • Chakshushya, Nirmali -This helps with eye cleaning.
  • Tiktaphala - bitter in taste.


  • This is a glabrous, medium-sized tree that grows to a height of ten to fifteen meters and a thickness of one to five meters.
  • Its bark has a thickness of 1.32 cm, a black color, corky skin, and very deep, tiny ridges that break readily.
  • On the origin are nodular branches.
  • The bottom portion of the disease is comprised of sessile, ovate, sharp, glabrous, shiny leaves with three or five nerves.
  • It has fragrant white flowers that are wrapped in leaves.
  • When fully ripe, the fruits resemble berries, with a globose, white color, 12 cm in diameter, glossy skin, and the appearance of silky hair.
  • Blooming takes place in September and October, while fruiting happens in December.
  • This medicinal plant possesses a number of therapeutic qualities that work in conjunction with stearic acid, sucrose, loganine, and diaboline.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Madhur, Kashaya, Tikta 

Sweet, Astringent, Bitter

Guna (Physical Property)



Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects On Doshas

This plant balances the doshas of Vata and Kapha. It can also help to pacify the dosha of Kapha with the aid of Kashaya and Tikta rasa, and the dosha of Vata with the aid of Madhur rasa.

This plant can be introduced to ponds or vessels to remove contaminants from the water, as it is traditionally used for cleaning out water systems.

Practical Uses

  • This herb helps clear the water, as its name suggests.
  • According to Acharya Priyavat Sharma, this herb belongs to the chakshushaya Varga, which indicates that it treats eye conditions well.
  • Owing to its kashaya and tikta rasa properties, it also aids in stimulating the appetite by igniting the digestive fire.
  • Because of its effective scraping qualities, this is also used in combination with Anjan or kajal, which can help with chronic ocular pain, pterygium, and other Kapha Vata Pradhan disorders.
  • Powdered seeds from it combined with honey can aid in the healing of abscesses.
  • As a diuretic, this herb is quite beneficial and aids in the breaking of stones.
  • The primary use of this herbal remedy root is for skin conditions.
  • Digestion-related conditions such as acidity, gastritis, diarrhea, and gulma can also benefit from katak.
  • This also helps with urinary retention.
  • This herb's root paste is applied topically to relieve eczema and itch.
  • The decoction of seeds can aid in regulating and lowering blood sugar levels in the body when it is made with a small amount of the herb curcuma longa, also known as hallibu.
  • When combined with honey, the powdered seeds can assist in regulating liver function and treat diseases such as jaundice, anemia, and other related conditions.
  • Its unripened fruit is utilized in cases of poisoning and other harmful situations.
  • Though a little hard to digest, moderately ripened katak fruit will balance the Kapha pitta dosha.

Part used



  • One to three grams of the powder can be used.
  • The recommended dosage for this herb is six grams when used as vamak dravya.

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