Koshamra / Ceylon Oak (Schleichera Oleosa)

Ayurveda is a traditional, holistic method originating in India, and herbal remedies provide effective illness prevention. In our difficult times, Ayurveda practices constantly carry a torchlight to help in cleansing the body, it involves dietary adjustments and has many techniques to demonstrate its efficiency through panchakarma therapy, following Dincharya, proper Ahar-vihar, and yogasanas. Many herbs have a great reputation for their therapeutic properties. Schleichera oleosa is also known as 'Koshamra' in Ayurvedic medicine. This tropical tree is a huge deciduous tree native to Asia. It is frequently used to treat a variety of skin disorders; the bark is high in antioxidants and can help with rheumatoid arthritis, joint discomfort, and headaches. This herb's oil is beneficial for ulcers and parasite diseases. The components of Schleichera oleosa are triterpenoids, taraxerone, and tricadenic acid A.

Special Note About Ceylon Oak

  • Koshamra plant is also known as Ceylon trees, Lac trees, and Gum lac trees. It is a member of the Sapindaceae family.
  • This herb is commonly used to treat skin disorders and for blood purification.
  • This species is found across Indo-Malesia. It is available practically everywhere in India.
  • In woods, a medium-sized tree can reach a height of 10-15 m.
  • Grahi - is absorbent, Ruchikarak is an appetizer, and Deepana- pachana - is good for digestion.

Systemic Classification

Botanical Name - Schleichera oleosa

Family - Sapindaceae

Genus - Schleicher

Species - S. oleosa


Koshaamra, Kshudraamra - Fruit similar to mango

Lakshaa vrksha - Laksha grew on trees.

Ghanaskandha - Dense trees

Other Vernacular Names

Hindi Name - Kusum

English Name -  Macassar Oil tree, Honey tree, Ceylon Oak, Lac tree

Kannada Name - kendala, jendalacekota, Sagade

Tamil Name - Puvathipuvam, Pulaachi, pumarata

Malayalam Name - Puvam

Telugu Name - Posuku, botanga, madakapulusu, sagadipusuku, busi, kodalipulusu


  • A medium-sized tree grows 10-15 m in height in forests
  • Leaves are paripinnate, sessile, alternate, simple, spinosely serrate, and leaflets are elliptic and large.
  • Fruit berries in shape.
  • Flowers are yellow in color, small and racemose.
  •  India's densely forested regions, this herb is widely distributed.

Classical Categorization

  • This plant was included by Acharya Sushrut in Nyagrodhadi Ganna and Amladi Varga.
  • This herb was mentioned by Acharya Charak in Amla Skanda.
  • This herb was also described by Acharya Vagbhat in Nyagrodhadi gana.
  • This excellent herb was named Amradi Varga by Dhanwantri Nighantu, and its oil is known as Amradi Phalavarga.
  • This herb was mentioned by Kaiyadev Nighantu in Oshadhadi Varga.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)



Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect)



Effects On Doshas

This plant balances the Vata and Kapha doshas while aggravating the Pitta.

Practical Uses

  • This herb is commonly used to treat Vata Kapha disorders. Its unripened fruit helps to balance the Vata dosha but aggravates the Kapha pitta dosha.
  • Its matured fruit is beneficial to the Kapha-vata dosha.
  • Its local application may alleviate pain, irritation, and skin problems, and it is beneficial to hair.
  • Its ripening fruit is an excellent absorbent as well as an appetizer, stimulating the digestive fire.
  • This is also beneficial for blood purification and skin ailments.
  • The bark is used to reduce fever and is also beneficial in vaginal illnesses.
  • The paste of powdered Koshamra is highly good for lower back discomfort.
  • Its local use is also beneficial for animal wounds.
  • Feverish symptoms can also be treated with its decoction.
  • Hair loss benefits from this as well.
  • It is also used in many other cases of cleansed intestines, including Vata vriddhi illnesses.

Part used

Stem bark and seed oil 


The juice of the leaves can be eaten in quantities of up to 10-15 mL.

Up to 2-4 grams of powder can be taken.

The decoction can be consumed in quantities of up to 50-100ml.

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