Kshavak / Sneezewort (Centipeda Minima)

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that helps us keep our bodies disease-free and live longer. The efficacy of Ayurvedic therapy is dependent on the management of the balance of the tridoshas, which are vata, pitta, and Kapha. Ayurveda provides extensive knowledge that can help us prevent disease and eliminate the source of the problem. Our Ayurvedic medicinal expertise was passed down to us by old sages who had been practicing Ayurveda for many years on Gods. Natural elements in our bodies have properties that serve to balance our natural strength and immune system, which aids in the battle against many pathogens that are harmful to our overall health. This article will address Kshavak Centipede minima, a great herb that is excellent for balancing the vata and kapha doshas. This herb is one of the greatest for curing nose-related ailments and is particularly good for upper clavicular entities.

General Information

Kshavak is a herb known as Sneeze wort in English and is well recognized in India under several names such as Kshavak, chikkani, teekshna, ghrandukhda in Sanskrit, nakchikkani in Hindi, Mecheta in Bengali, naakshinkani in Malayalam, and many more. Centipeda minima is its botanical name, and it is a member of the Asteraceae family. As we know, this plant is used to treat Nasa gat vikaras, which means it is beneficial in Kapha prokapaka illnesses. This herb can be found from India to Sri Lanka and typically grows in moist or deciduous areas.

Special Note About Sneezewort

  • Myroginin is the best chemical constituent found in this herb, which has antihistamine and antitussive qualities and is used as Kapha nihsarak, which means a great expectorant.
  • Flavonoids, amide, and sesquiterpenes are also found in this herb.
  • This plant has the ability to balance Kapha and Vata doshas due to its therapeutic features such as teekshan (sharp), Katu (pungent), and hot potency.
  • According to Acharya Charak, this herb is classified as Shirovirechnopag mahakashaya.
  • This herb is classified as mustadi ganna by Acharya Sushrut.
  • This herb is described in Acharya Bhavprakash and Kaiyyadev Nighantu with its medicinal benefits in many ailments.

Systemic Classification

Botanical Name - Centipeda minima

Family - Asteraceae

Genus - Centipede

Species - C. minima


Kshavak, Chikkani - This herb is effective at causing sneeze.

Kshudhajanan, Kshut Vibhodak - This herb stimulates the appetite and digestive fire.

Ghranduhkhad - Causes nose soreness after continuous sneezing.


  • This is a small plant that grows all over India mostly in damp areas, and is a very small plant, its leaves are simple, these may be lobed or may be unlobed but they are not separated from one another.
  • The leaves are arranged alternatively, obovate, blunt, and only one leaf is grown or arranged in one lobe all along the stem.
  • The edge of the leaf blade has different types of lobes consisting of teeth.
  • Its flowers have the shape of disks, these are stalkless, hemispherical, 2 seriate bracts, and are hairy. From December to March this herb blooms.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Quality)



Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect)



Effects On Doshas

Its therapeutic properties help to balance the Kapha and Vata doshas.

Practical Uses

  • This plant is extremely beneficial in maintaining Kapha and Vata balance.
  • Its external application is highly beneficial as kushthagna (removes skin disorders) and vedana sthapana (relieves pain).
  • As described by Acharya Charak, using the drops of the herbal decoction or extracting the juice of this plant as Nasya (distilled the drops in nasal cavities) helps as Shirovirechniya.
  • This aids in the strengthening of neuromuscular tissues.
  • This is a fantastic appetizer that stimulates the digestive process and is beneficial in worm infestations.
  • Its Nasya technique aids in the relief of sinusitis and headaches of various varieties.
  • The plant's decoction is utilized as Kapha-nihsarak, which means to expel phlegm and mucus.
  • It helps with erectile dysfunction as well.
  • This herb, in powder or decoction form, is utilized as a detoxifier in liver or spleen hardness.
  • This herb's paste is applied locally to the affected area in order to lessen pain.

Part used

Seeds are used


  • Seed powder can be consumed in amounts ranging from 1-3 grams.
  • This herb's decoction can be consumed in doses of 20-30 ml.

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