Lime, Lemon (Citrus limon)

The citrus limon (Nimbuka) plant grows to be a scraggly shrub or small tree that reaches a height of 3 to 4 meters. It has many angular branches and sharp spines in the leaf pits. This plant has sharp, alternating, glossy, evergreen leaves. The little white flowers in the axils are solitary and rarely grow in groups of two or three. The shrub produces spherical, golden berries with edges resembling nipples. The shrub bears fruit and flowers for nearly the entire year. It is known as Jambir kul in Ayurveda.

General Information

Nimbuka, or citrus Limon, balances the vata and kapha doshas the most. It still has that dry, light quality. It has been shown to be an effective medication for a number of illnesses and is safe to use topically or internally.

It can be used as a digestive system stimulant and for skin conditions. The fruits of this plant are rich in vitamin C. In addition, it contains bioflavonoids and other vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, and vitamin A.

Seven to ten percent of the fruit juice is made up of salt, slimy material, citric acid, phosphoric acid, and mallic acid. Fruit skin has a volatile oil (5–10%) called hesperidin and a bitter glucoside.


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Division - Magnolophyta
  • Class - Magnoliopsida
  • Order – Spanidales
  • Family – Rutaceae
  • Genus – Citrus
  • Species - Limon


Andra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Bihar, and Goa are the states where this plant is most commonly grown. There is a restricted amount of Goan lemons growing in family gardens. In certain parts of our nation, limes are available all year round.

Medium black, loamy, or alluvial soils that have excellent drainage and no calcium carbonate layer are suitable for growing lime and lemon.

Areas with limited rainfall and a dry climate are ideal for cultivating limes.

Different Names of Citrus Limon

  • Latin name - Citrus limon
  • Common name - Lemon
  • Sanskrit name - Nimbuka, Nimbu
  • Hindi name - Nilbu, Kagaji, Nibu, Nimbu 
  • Malayalam name - Erumichairakam
  • Tamil name - Elumichai
  • Telugu name - Nimma pandu
  • Marathi name - Limbu kagaji limbu
  • Arabic - Limu
  • Parsi - Limu, Lumu E kagaji
  • Bengali name - Kagazi lebu, Padinabu
  • Gujarati name - Goddiya
  • Kannada name - Nimbe hannu

Ayurvedic properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)

Teekshna, Laghu

Sharp,  Light

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances Vata and Kapha doshas.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita

Amla Varga, Phala Varga

Phala Varga

Properties of Citrus limon

The benefits of nimbuka include anthelmintic, appetizer, astringent, diaphroretic, anti-dehydrating, and tonic properties.

Practical Uses

  • When used topically for fevers such as measles, smallpox, and chickenpox, the oil extracted from the fruit skin of this herb smoothes the skin when the scabs come off.
  • Fruit juice is applied to skin afflictions that aren't leaking to reduce itching.
  • Applying apple juice to the skin rapidly relieves inflammation caused by mosquito bites.
  • It enhances appetite, restores taste perception, and dries off facial hair.
  • It facilitates the release of digestive enzymes, which enhances digestion.
  • Fruit juice applied topically is reported to be beneficial for dandruff.
  • It is used to treat a variety of digestive disorders, including anorexia, dyspepsia, vomiting, constipation, hepatic disease, and others. It is also a good appetizer, digestive, moderate laxative, and cholagogue.
  • Because nimbuka has a blood-purifying effect, it is helpful for raktapitta, gout, skin conditions, and heart ailments.
  • Because of its high vitamin C content, it can help heal scurvy patients' bleeding and spongy gums.
  • It helps with nausea, coughing, throat conditions, tumors, and more.
  • It is claimed to have beneficial benefits on an enlarged spleen.
  • It helps with the burning feeling.

Part Used

  • Leaves
  • Fruit
  • Fruits Skin

It can be consumed as a decoction or as a juice.


15–25 ml of fresh juice should be consumed diluted with water.

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