Lodhra (Symplocos Racemosa)

The medium-sized, evergreen Lodhra tree is 6-8.5 meters tall. The description of the Lodhra plant is mentioned below,

  • Leaves: The leaves are round or oval in shape, 3 to 4 inches long, have a tiny leaf stalk, and feel velvety to the touch.
  • Flower: Generally speaking, flowering starts in November and lasts through February. Cream-colored, tiny flowers are typically found in bunches.
  • Fruit: They are leathery, roughly 1.5 inches long, and have a purple-blackish tint.
  • Seed: Its fruits have one to three seeds in them.
  • Bark: It has a light brown color.

General Description,

In essence, Lodhra signifies one who strengthens the body.

This herb is referred to as divya aushadhi, or "divine herb." One of the best Ayurvedic herbs for treating all female health disorders is Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa). For gynecological issues, particularly those involving recurrent abortions, it is advised.

Lodhra powder is a key component in Ayurvedic skin care packs because it nourishes the skin and helps with wrinkles, acne, and other skin-related health issues. Additionally, Lodhra has liver-protecting and anti-diabetic properties.

This plant helps to balance the Pitta and Kapha doshas and the illnesses associated with them.

The Lodhra tree's bark has long been utilized as a uterine tonic. It has been discovered to have a very essential role in helping women retain their best health. The tree and its preparations have also shown promise in treating digestive issues and bleeding.

Chemical composition

  • Loturine - 0.25 %
  • Colloturine - 0.02 %
  • Loturidine - 0.06 % Along with them it contains glycosides


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Division - Magnoliophyta
  • Sub-division - Spermatophyta
  • Class - Magnoliopsida
  • Sub-class - Dilleniidae
  • Order - Ebenales
  • Family - Symplocaceae
  • Genus - Symplocos
  • Spices - Racemosa

Names of Lodhra

  • Hindi and Bengali name -  Lodha, Lodh, Lodhra
  • English Name -  Symplocos bark, Symplocos tree or Lodh tree
  • Telugu Name - Lodhuga
  • Tamil Name -  Vellilothram, Belli lotai, Vellileti, Vellilathi
  • Gujarati Name - Lodhara, Lodhar
  • Malayam Name - Pachotti
  • Kannada Name - Pachettu
  • Oriya Name - Lodho
  • Assamese Name - Mugam
  • Bengali Name - Lodha, Lodhra
  • Kannada Name - Lodhra
  • Marathi Name - Lodha, Lodhra
  • Punjabi Name - Lodhar
  • Urdu name - Lodh, lodhpattani


It is typically found in the Indian regions of Pegu, Assam, and Northeast. The herb grows in Manipur, Nagpur, and Burma as well.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Kashaya, Tikta

Astringent, Bitter

Guna (Physical Property)

Ruksha, Laghu

Dry,  Light

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances Pitta and Kapha doshas.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita

  • Sonitasthapana - A group of plants used to stop bleeding
  • Sandhaneeya - A group of plants used to treat wounds and fractured bones,
  • Pureesha sangrahaniya - A group of plants that help prevent diarrhea.
  • Kashaya skandha - A group of plants with an astringent flavor.
  • Lodhradi,
  • Nayagrodhadi - Group of herbs.

Practical Uses

The primary sign of Lodhra, according to Ayurvedic scriptures, is to keep the body's pitta (Agni) and kapha (phlegm) balanced. Lodhra includes khashayras (Astringent), and formulations derived from the bark are typically utilized to reduce the effects of pitta in our bodies.

  • In particular, Lodhra is used to enhance the health of women.
  • Because it relaxes the uterine tissues and operates on the relaxed mucous membranes, it is quite useful in treating disorders like menorrhagia, which is excessive bleeding throughout the menstrual cycle.
  • When it comes to issues like leucorrhoea (white discharge), Lodhra has shown to be highly helpful.
  • Even after giving birth, the ladies are administered this herb.
  • This plant aids in the body's detoxification process.
  • Lodhra is recommended for eye diseases; ghee and the powdered bark of the plant are applied to the eyes.
  • It aids in keeping the body in its natural shape.
  • Ayurvedic writings make it quite clear that Lodhra enhances skin radiance and physical attractiveness.
  • The unique combination of Grahi (increasing absorption), Sheeta (cooling), and Laghu (light) in Lodhra is highly helpful in reducing inflammation and heaviness in the body.
  • The herb is used to treat epistaxis (Raktpitta), a condition in which individuals with high pitta typically have nose bleeding. Lodhra's Grahi (absorbing) quality aids in thickening blood to prevent bleeding.
  • Leprosy and other skin illnesses are treated with Lodhra lepa (paste).
  • The Cough is treated using a mixture of sugar, ghee, and a paste made from Lodhra leaves.
  • Wounds are treated using the powdered version of Lodhra bark. In fact, Lodhra decreases the body's pH, which causes inflammation to proceed more slowly and ultimately speeds up the healing of wounds.

Part Used



  • Powder, 3-6 gm
  • 50–100 ml of the decoction

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