Bed Sores

An open wound that develops in the skin is referred to as a bed sore. It is typically observed in those who spend a lot of time sitting down, whether in a bed or a wheelchair. Bed sores are caused by pressure and friction on the skin. Moreover, bed sore infections are common in those who are paralyzed, debilitated, or in a coma. Pain, skin lesions, skin irritations, itching, skin discoloration, and many other symptoms are common.

Some effective home remedies to treat Bed Sores:

  • Grab a leaf of aloe vera. Slice it open, then remove the gel.
  • Massage this gel onto the injured region.
  • Spend a few minutes rubbing it.
  • Allow it to dry before wiping it with a fresh cloth.
  • Repeat this procedure three times a day in order to alleviate the excruciating sensations.


Another plant with amazing antibacterial qualities that relieves the uncomfortable and irritating condition of bed sores is the golden seal.

  • To make the herbal tea, combine 1 tablespoon of the herb with a cup of warm water.
  • Use this tea to clean the bed sores at least twice a day.


One amazing herb that helps with bed sore removal is turmeric. It has a number of therapeutic and medical qualities.

  • The affected area needs to be thoroughly cleansed with water first.
  • After that, apply some turmeric powder to the wound.
  • A bandage is then applied to the affected area.
  • Complete this procedure three times per day.
  • To reap the benefits, you can also consume turmeric milk twice a week.


Honey has antibacterial qualities. It lessens discomfort, irritation, and the chance of getting sicker.

  • Mix sugar and honey to a thick paste.
  • Externally apply the paste to the affected areas, then wrap them with bandages.
  • Repeat this procedure once a month.

These are a few amazing over-the-counter treatments for bed sores.